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I looked around, and saw a lot of Women crying, hugging their husbands, Brothers and Friends.

'Dad.. Don't go! Please!' My dad looked down at me and wiped away the tears. 'I have to go, Baby. I need to fight for our country! I'll contact you whenever I can, and I will come back. I promise!' I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face, and hugged my dad tight.

My Dad softly pulled me away, because it was time for him to leave. He saluted and kissed me on the forehead 'I love you, y/n! I'll try and make you proud!'

I smiled softly 'I already am and always have been proud, dad!'

I watched him while he walked away. He was a tall, strong, tanned, handsome man. I smiled with tears in my eyes 'I love you daddy!' I quietly mumbled and pressed the teddy he gave me onto my chest.

'That was your Dad?' A female voice said next to me, I looked at her, startled by her sudden appearance. 'Yes!' I answered proudly. She smiled at me 'He is a fine man indeed. Helps whenever he can!' I now fully directed my attention to her 'You know my dad, ma'am?' She chuckled 'No need to call me Ma'am, child! I do know him, yes! We worked together for a long time! You are y/n, right?' I nodded politely 'Yes ma'- sorry I mean yes! I'm y/n y/l/n.'

(Maybe I should now introduce myself! Hi, I'm y/n y/l/n, today I am 18 years old!)

'Well, it's nice to finally meet you in person!' She shook my hand, and I was a little confused 'Did my dad tell you about me?' She smiled 'Yes, he did! I'm Elizabeth Grier by the way!'

'Okay! Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Grier!' I looked on my watch and excused myself, because I wanted to watch the parade with my dad leaving. During the parade I felt the tears come up again, and walked away, until I found myself under a lemon tree. I sat down under the leafs. 'Hi God, I'm sorry I don't talk to you a lot or pray at all! But I really need you to do me a favor, my dad is a soldier and he had to leave for the Ukraine today. Could you maybe hold a protective hand over him or something? I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd really appreciate it if I could get him back alive!' I sighed, I never actually pray, but it felt like the time to say at least a little something.

The clouds began to gather, and turn grey. The storm, they announced a few days ago, is coming. I felt the rain pour onto my skin, like a waterfall. I closed my eyes, and held my face right into the rain. My earbuds where in my ears, and I was listening to 'Debussy - La mer'. I know, most girls would probably not listen to classic music, but it kinda calmed me down. I opened my eyes in shock, when someone patted on my shoulder. I turned around and saw myself face to face with an older guy, he seemed to be yelling. I took out my earbuds and realized how loud the storm has gotten already. '-ING INSANE? WHY ARE YOU STILL OUT HERE? YOU NEED TO GO INSIDE! COME ON.' With that he grabbed my arm, and ran to a house with me. There was a woman waiting in the door with a towel. She wrapped it around me, 'Child, what in gods name were you doing out there?' She and the boy looked at me waiting for an answer. I shrugged 'Calming down, I guess!' 'And did you plan on getting killed meanwhile?!' The boy growled and the woman placed a hand on his shoulder 'Don't yell at her Dylan, she doesn't even know who you are!'

'I should introduce myself, I'm sorry child, I'm Mrs. O'Brien!' She smiled genuinely and her Son groaned 'I'm Dylan O'Brien. Ma, can we go into the living room now? It's getting cold with wet clothes!' I chuckled 'Thank you for the Towel, Mrs. O'Brien! I'm y/n y/l/n!' 'Nice to meet you y/n! Do you live around here?' I nodded 'Yeah, I live 4 houses further away. I'm sorry, I didn't know that tree belonged to your house, I just liked it a lot and sat down under it!' Mrs. O'Brien laughed 'Don't worry, that old tree probably likes you too!' And she winked. 'Y/n? Here I got some clothes you can put on, because you're dripping.' I turned around to Dylan who came down the stairs, I didn't even notice he went away.

He handed me a flannel Shirt and sweatpants, I took it 'Thanks! Uhm, can I change somewhere?' He grinned 'Yeah, follow me!' I smiled at Mrs. O'Brien one more time, before I followed Dylan upstairs.

He led me into a big room, there was a wooden, old table standing at the wall with a chair, and iMac on top. The room had a king sized bed, and lots of clothes on top. He had a walk in closet, which I knew, because the door was open. 'Is this your room?' Dylan laughed 'Yeah, is it that obvious? Anyway you can change here in the closet, just close the doors!' I grinned 'Alright, I'll be right back.' With that I went into the closet and changed into his clothes, they were really comfy. When I got back into Dylan's room, the clothes on his bed were gone and he was laying on top of the bed 'Better than wet clothes hu?' 'Yeah, thanks again! Why are you being so nice?' He shrugged and patted on to the bed, I sat down. 'I don't know, I saw you when you came and sat down, and you were talking.' I laughed 'Uh yeah, I guess I was talking to god?' 'Do you believe in God?' Shaking my head I replied 'No, I don't. I believe in Angels!' He gave me an impressed nod 'Okay then! So why don't you tell me a little about yourself, so I don't have a complete stranger sitting on my bed!' He laughed and smiled at me, I sighed 'Find out! But I'm 16.' I smirked and he grinned and sat up. 'Alrighty, well I'm 18' I whistled and he laughed 'and I'm supposed to go to college, but I'm waiting a year! How about you?' I made a thinking face and said 'I was homeschooled, and I'm done, I took the exams at a high school and Graduated, I've never been able to actually go to school because I was wether too smart or too young. So my dad teached me everything I know!' 'Hmm, does he still teach you stuff?' I shook my head 'No he just left this morning.' Dylan looked at me surprised 'Oh, did your parents divorce or something?' I laughed 'No, my parents were never together, it was more like a friendship thing. My mom was 20 when she wanted a baby, but didn't want to wait for her big love, so her best Friend, my dad kinda did her a favor! And my dad left for the army this morning, he is a soldier.' Dylan's face made me laugh so hard, it kinda broke the ice between us. From that moment we became best friends.

Tell me if you like the beginning and I'll post Chapter 1! :)

It's supposed to be a fan fiction about a lot of the Magcon Boys, and Dylan O'Brien!

xx Kesha

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