Chapter 1

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*2 Years later*

'No, n- sto-..' I could barely breathe nor could I really talk. Dylan was tickling me, he knew how ticklish I was and wouldn't stop. 'Dylan stop! I can- can't guarantee no-nothing will h-happen to you-your face!' I was laughing and talking at the same time, but tried to make him stop. Luckily he let go after 5 minutes and I could finally calm down. We were currently laying on his bed and watching movies, eating Kettle corn and just having fun. Dylan was like the big brother I never had. My phone chimed and Dylan grabbed it jumping off the bed singing 'who dat who dat?' I watched him laughing, when he looked on my screen and his face didn't look so happy anymore 'What is wrong?' I asked worried 'it's that shitty boyfriend of yours.' I rolled my eyes, and caught my phone, which Dylan just threw at me. I got three messages:

From: Babyboy Sean 🙆

Baby what are you doing?

From: Babyboy Sean 🙆

Girl, answer me. You know I don't appreciate it when you don't reply.

From: Ma

Y/n, your boyfriend is in front of our house and he doesn't seem happy, come home please. And I'm leaving for my work trip now! See you love.

My eyes widened and I quickly got up grabbing my keys. 'Eh where do you think you're going missy?' I sighed 'Sean is at my house I have to go he seems mad! Sorry I'll come back tomorrow!' Dylan tightened his jaw 'Well, please be careful, you know I don't trust this dude at all.. Just watch out okay?' I nodded and kissed him on the cheek before I left.

I drove into the garage from my house 5 minutes later, I already saw Sean sitting on my porch. I took a deep breath before getting out of my car, hoping he won't be mad. Making my way to Sean I felt relief because he was smiling 'Hey baby I was worried because you didn't reply!' I kissed him and shrugged 'No need to worry babe, I was just at Dylan's house.' Sean's face changed, within a second his face became mad from friendly. Oblivious to what I was doing I stepped back 'uh-oh shouldn't have done that' I thought to myself. Sean grabbed my arm and pulled me closer ' I thought I told you I don't want you to see that boy?!' I looked him straight in the eye 'And I told you, I'm sorry if you feel threatened but he's my best friend and I will see him whenever I want to!' All of a sudden my sight went black, and I felt myself hitting the floor. Sean just punched me. He got mad a few times but he never hit me. Never.

My eye hurt like hell, and I could feel the blood pumping in my face, when I heard grunting, I tried to see but only saw two blurry figures. They seemed to be fighting until one ended up on the ground. I realized someone picking me up, before I went out.

My head was aching, when I tried to open my eyes 'Ugh no the light!' I heard someone shut off the light and I opened my eyes once again. 'Feeling better?' A familiar voice asked me and I sat up a little, someone placed me on a bed 'Uh, not really.. My head is aching and I can't open my left eye. Who are you?' I felt someone sitting down on the bed 'I'll get you some ice okay? You lay back down and try to sleep, that's the best you can do now.' Just accepting what he said, I laid back down and started drifting away.

A loud laugh finally woke me up, and I got up. When I looked down, I realized that I was wearing an Obey Sweater and sweatpants. 'How did I get into these clothes?' I thought to myself confused, but chose to walk downstairs to find out.

When I got downstairs I heard clappering and laughter, and followed the noises into a huge Kitchen. It had 3 Kitchen counters, they were basically parallel to each other so the first one was there to cut and prepare food, the second one was with the 4 gas stoves of different sizes. Right on that counter was the next counter without any space in between. It looked like a bar counter and had Barstools as well. It was a beautiful and comfortable kitchen. 'Well, hello there!' The voice from yesterday said, and I looked up, embarrassed, because I didn't know how long I stood there staring into the kitchen.

'Oh! You're the new Neighbors right?' I asked surprise, because I saw both of them once, but didn't really see their faces. The boy nodded, and the Woman, probably his Mother smiled a heartwarming smile 'Yes! I am so glad to finally meet you! What is your name?' I smiled back 'I'm y/n!' 'Well, y/n I am (?) Gilinsky and that's my son Jack!' He nodded 'Aye, dats me!' I smiled shyly and his mom told me to take a seat on one of the barstools. I sat down and Jack sat down next to me. 'Hey could you please look at me?' I did, wondering what he was up to. He had a creme in his hands and lifted a finger onto my face, I scooted back out of reflex and he stopped 'Don't worry, it's gonna sting a little, but it will prevent the swelling around your eye. It's gonna get a lot darker than it is now, but at least it won't hurt anymore. I sighed and came a little closer so he could put the creme around my eye, it was ice cold and I breathed through my teeth when it began to sting. When he was done I noticed two plates in front of us. They were full of food, pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruits and syrup. When I looked up to Mrs. Gilisnky she winked 'Eat up! You must be hungry!' I actually was 'Thank you so much Mrs. Gilisnky!' She laughed 'No need to call me Mrs. Gilinsky! Just call me (?).'

'Okay, (?) thanks again though.' Jack next to me cleared his throat and when I began to eat he asked 'Hey do you want me to come with you later?' I furrowed my eyebrows 'Where? And why?' He already aye half of the food on his plate 'Because that boy, that hit you yesterday is still in front of your door. And I'd feel guilty if I'd let you walk there alone. Your mom didn't seem to be home either!' I shrugged 'She drove away before I came home last night, on a work trip or something. But I'd like that, and that boy is actually my boyfriend.' Jack and his mom became silent and stared at me in surprise, while I ate the food (?) made me. 'But child, you can't stay with a violent Boyfriend. You could get into a situation like that again.' I shrugged unsure of what I should say and decided to keep eating instead of saying something. Jack next to me did the same.

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