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"Liam, I think it looks perfect, can you come down yet?", he'd spent hours trying to hammer the haven sign in the center.

"I'm just trying to make it look as nice as possible darlin' " he said taking some steps back to admire it. I came up to him and rubbed his back.

"I promise you it looks nice, now, let's go inside" he followed me and we took off our shoes at the entrance.

"When do you think we'll be able to bring some kids here?" Liam asked following me into the kitchen as I looked for something to cook.

"We still need to find beds for them, but we're pretty close don't you think?" I asked giving him a smile and getting a similar one back.

"I'm really glad we're doing this" he said kissing my cheek.

"Me too"

We finished eating, and even if I wasn't the greatest cook, this warm food was better than anything we had eaten before, the weeks we spend running and hiding until Harry helped us get this house had been exhausting.

"Tomorrow Harry'll bring us more food and maybe we can ask him to help us with the kids bedroom" Liam said as we sat by the fireplace, my back pressed to his chest.

"That's great, also next week we could ask my grandma to get us some things for the house too, or maybe she already has something in mind anyways" That made Liam laugh and I leaned further into him, right now with the warmth of the fireplace and his arms around me, I realized that I'd never felt such at peace.

Leaving my family was hard, but not as hard as I thought, I can still see them, but I have to be careful. Also, leaving behind all the rules that had been imposed on me felt good, as knowing that my family was safer without me around, and of course, I have the best company here, and we're finally doing something that feels right.

"I can already imagine the kids running around, their laughs, you teaching them things..." Liam said resting his head on my shoulder. I could picture it too, and it made my heart fill with joy.

"I can already hear your bad dad jokes" I teased him

"You love my jokes"

"Sure" I stood up and offered him my hand, then he followed me to our room.

"Liam!, what did I tell you about leaving your wet clothes hanging on the bathtub?" I shouted from the bathroom as I brushed my teeth.

"Don't know what you're talking about" he said quickly disappearing into the room. I sighed but couldn't hold back the grin slipping across my face.

"Come here darlin' " Liam said patting the space beside him on the bed. I climbed up next to him and rested my head on his chest.

"Let's get some sleep, we worked a lot today" I said rising my face to look at him. He nodded and moved a little until he was comfortable.

"Love you" he said.

"Love you too" we kissed and then he turned off the lamp, after a while we fell asleep.

"My dad is almost here Ruby" was the first thing I heard in the morning, but I ignored his voice getting under the covers.

"Coming" I answered with a raspy voice and I heard him chuckle, then his weight was crushing me and I laughed trying to get him off.

"You have three seconds to get off of me" I said trying to sound menacing.

"If you were Vida, then I'll be scared, but you wouldn't punch your ol' man Stew-" I playfully kicked him off, well, maybe not so playfully, and then got out of bed.

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