Chapter Two

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Keight was waiting for Steve in the gym, and he almost halted when he saw her. She was standing by one of the boxing bags, wrapping a thin white bandage around her hands. Her toned stomach already glistened with sweat and Steve looked away before he got distracted by the multitude of scars on her skin. Instead, he dropped his bag by the door. She looked up, startled, and he smiled, folding his arms across his chest.

“I thought you were going to be late,” Steve said, leaning up against the wall. She smirked, her tired eyes dull.

“I thought I was going to be,” she finished wrapping her hands and flexed her knuckles. Steve gestured to her head.

“You changed your hair,” He stated. Keight’s ears tinted red like they did when she was embarrassed, and she ran one hand through her newly cut hair. It was choppy and short, finishing around her ears and just touching the nape of her neck. The fringe remained the same, and she used it now to hide her face.

“I thought it needed a change,” she said simply, glancing from Steve to the ground.

“It looks good,” he said, without thinking. Her eyes shifted from the ground to mine, shining ever so bright against her pale skin.

“Don’t think compliments will get me to go easy on you,” she said, flicking her fringe away and looking at him, her lips threatening to smile.

“You know, I really thought it was going to work,” Steve feigned disappointment, and slipped his black sweater off, almost pulling the tank top under it off as well. Keight turned away.

“There will be a day when I will let you win. But today is not this day,” she said triumphantly, turning to look at him only when his hands were wrapped in cotton, like hers. He stretched his arms, and she copied his movements.

“Lord of the Rings, right?” He said, hoping he got the reference. She smiled brightly, and he knew he guessed correctly. Keight put her fists up in defence position, her stance strong and unwavering.

“You’re getting pretty good at these pop culture references, I must say. You even quoted Star Wars to me yesterday,” she said, waiting for Steve to attack. He pumped out a swift uppercut with his right arm, but like always, she dodged it. Dancing around him, she managed to get a good jab at his kidneys, but he got her back with a hard kick to the ribs. She winced, and he smiled.

“You know, I’m still pretty shaken up over finding out Darth Vader was Luke’s father,” Steve puffed, grabbing her by one arm and twisting her into a head-lock under his left arm. She struggled in his grip. Maybe he would win this one after all.

“Yeah, don’t feel to special. No one saw that coming,” she said, her face turning red. He loosened his grip just a little, but it was enough for her to wriggle out and slam the back of his knees. Steve crumpled, and she took the opportunity pin his arms to his sides, sitting on his chest with one arm up against his throat.

So much for winning.

Her hair fell over her face. The haircut made her look so much older than 25. Someone her age shouldn’t have such dark circles under her eyes, shouldn’t have hands that trembled so much.

“Well, it seems you’ve beaten me again,” Steve said, grinning. She flicked her hair back and smirked proudly.

“I told you,” she snarked, letting her grip loosen just a bit as she revelled in her win.

Steve smiled and took the opportunity to pull his arms out from under her and flip her over, so he was pinning her arms to the ground. She squirmed, but his sheer body weight was just enough to keep her down.

“You’re a true Slytherin, have I told you that? She said, finally giving up and resting her head on the floor. He cocked an eyebrow.

“Many times,” he said, releasing her arms and standing up, dusting off his pants. She got up from the floor and shook her head.

“I can’t believe you bet me,” she muttered angrily, readjusting the cotton on her hands.

“Well, it’s about time the student becomes the master,” he teased, wiping his forehead with a towel. She glared at him and took out a small silver case. Opening it, she pulled out a long glass needle, filled with a slightly pink liquid.

“What’s that?” He frowned and watched her wipe the inside of her elbow with a cloth and pierced the needle into the soft skin. Keight clenched her teeth and grimaced.

“Just something to take the edge off,” she said jokingly. His brow furrowed.

“Keight, I don’t-“

“Calm your tits Steve. It’s a little concoction Tony’s science department came up with. A mix of poisons, and, well, I don’t actually know.” She pulled the needle out and winced. “It keeps me going longer. It’s more convenient than smoking.” She

placed the needle back in the case and closed it. “It basically keeps me alive.”

“I wish you didn’t need it,” Steve said, folding his arms and frowning. It angered him to see her like this, dependant on injecting herself with poison to keep herself alive. She was the strongest, and yet the weakest of the Avengers. If there were any chance of a normal life for her, he would jump at the opportunity to give it to her.

“It’s not like I have a choice. You know more than anyone how much I wish I wasn’t like this.” She rubbed her arms. Her hands travelled to her collarbones, and her fingers lingered on the lumpy white scars that curled over her shoulders. He couldn’t even imagine the kind of pain she felt every time she was reminded of that night. It had been late one night, after a nightmare that she had finally showed him the scars and told him how she got them. There was something about the way she said it that made him feel like she wasn’t telling him everything, but he didn’t push it. It took enough strength to tell Steve even half the truth.

“You know if there was any way I could help you, I would,” he put a hand on her arm, feeling the gun wound scar underneath his skin. She tensed, and pulled away, her lips like a pink slash across her face, hard and cold.

“There isn’t. You need to stop hoping that there is,” she said angrily, her hands trembling so much she folded her arms so hide it.

“Keight I-“

“Enjoy training. I’m going to get a drink,” she spat, grabbing her bag and started to leave. As she walked out the door, Wanda entered, and they bumped shoulders. Keight gave Wanda a dirty look and disappeared around the corner. Steve sighed, and Wanda came towards him, a confused look on her face.

“What was that all about?” she asked, picking up a boxing glove and inspecting it absentmindedly.

“The more you get to know Keight, the less you understand about her,” he said, staring at the door, hoping she would come back through.

“She hasn’t forgiven me, has she?” Wanda said sadly, her dark eyes meeting his. Steve paused, unsure of what to say. Keight had never told him what Wanda’s magic had done to her, what it had shown her, but as much as it hurt, she needed to let it go. They were all affected, some of them more than others, but they had all moved on. The nightmares might still be there but at least they had accepted Wanda as a friend and an ally. Keight couldn’t seem to do that.

“Keight, finds it hard to let go. It’s probably not you specifically. Maybe what you showed her is what is stopping her from forgiving you,” Steve said uncertainly. She looked down, guilt stricken. She knew, of course, what Keight had seen, and maybe it was worse than he thought.

“I made her watch her worst fear. Even for me, it was, terrifying. I understand why she hates me so much,” Wanda said, pursing her lips. Steve shook my head and looked to the door.

“She’ll forgive you. Just give her time.”

Authors Note


UNRAVELED ~ STEVE ROGERS [3]Where stories live. Discover now