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Why hello, my fellow geeks and peeps, SilentBisexual here!

Yes, I am writing another story.

This has no ties to "Warriors", as Nichole would be very hard to fit into this universe.

If I could, I would.

This is basically a "Remaining heroes grab younger selves to view the future to save the future" story, some of my personal favorite kinds.

I'm taking great inspiration from "Past Is Prologue" on FanFiction, which is a great story that I can't recommend enough.

Sadly, the sequel was never finished and only has a few chapters.

And by "grabbing younger selves", I mean everybody.

What I feel most of the time these kinds of stories lack are the lead heroes, Oliver, in the case of Past Is Prologue, watching their future with them.

So, to give you a heads up: this is not going to be a happy story.

As stated in the description, many heroes are dead.

The list of survivors:

Slade Wilson (He's only in his 50s currently on the show, and this is meant to take place in 2030, so, it works. He's just getting up there in the years)
▪Thea Queen (Again, she's only 24, and in this she's 35)
▪Connor Hawke/John Diggle Jr. (5 on show, 16 here, was 31 on Legends of Tomorrow)
▪Jefferson Jackson (26 currently, 37 here)
▪Cisco Ramon (Basing it off of Barry's, he's 30 in the show, and 41 here)
▪Wally West (Barry is still missing as the newspaper states, so Wally is the current Flash, 24 currently, 35 in future)
▪Lisa Snart (deciding she's only a year older than Cisco, as she had to be born sometime after 1980, so 31, now 42)

▪Laurel Lance/Black Siren (This'll be fun, basing it off of Laurel's age before the blonde-haired demon killed her, 34 currently, 45 here)

Alex Danvers (Only Supergirl character as I can not get through the cheesiness in the beginning, but will have to watch it for this story, 30 currently, 41 here)

And everybody's kids for good measure, who I will not reveal until later because children of heroes OCS are always fun to design.

I hope you like the idea, and will enjoy reading this. Writing every main hero/anti-hero in this'll be fun.


▪Earth-2 Laurel will have akward interactions with her Earth-1 counterpart and her family
▪Oliver will confront not only future Slade, but present Slade as well
▪Ships will be heavily implied, cannon or not
I will go into detail on some deaths
▪Your hearts will be broken

May you always have something to drin- Shit, wrong fandom.

May you always have...

May you always find a way to be a hero,


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