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A lone table sits in the center of a aging room, and the chairs in which heroes of ages past once sat are now strewn across the room.

The silence that has not been broken in this building for many years, was suddenly disrupted by a streak of lightning moving throughout the building at break-neck speeds.

The lightning came to a halt in the room, revealing a young man with dark skin and eyes, the distant look on his face only making him look older.

"Well, well, look who got here first." A voice chuckled from a dark corner of the room. The young man whipped around, eyes glowing red.

"You better have a good reason to call me here, Wilson." The man spat, eyes narrowed.

"Take a seat." The one in the shadows stated, gesturing to a chair with a lightning bolt symbol etched into it.

The man hesitated, his eyes flickering with unspoken emotion, but dragged the chair to the table, taking a seat closest to the door.


"You speedsters are all so impatient." The man chuckled. "We have to wait for the others."

Eyes narrowed, the man leaned back in the chair, fiddling with his thumbs.

Suddenly, the clicking of heeled shoes echoed throughout the hallway outside, catching the younger man off guard.

A figure stepped inside, long golden hair pulled behind her ears. An odd-looking gun was attached to her hip, and a pair of worn-out goggles hung at her neck. "Looks like I'm early." The woman scoffs lightly.

"Snart." The man in the chair said coldly.

"West." She gave him a smile that once would win over the hearts of any man who saw it. But that smile lost its power when she lost the only man that mattered. She glanced to the dark corner, a smirk on her face. "You gonna come out, Slade?"

"Just take a goddamn seat." You could hear the distaste in his voice.

"Fine, fine," Snart rolled her eyes, glancing around the chairs. Eyes landing on one with a snowflake etched into it, she pulled it up right next to West, who just scooted his chair further away from her.

"Still carry around those old things?" West glanced towards her, eyes focused on the old goggles with the cracked blue lenses.

"Mick took the parka with him." She chuckled. "Can only guess the gun went with him, too."

Before the pair can continue, another set of foot steps of heavy boots echoed through the hall.

"Why the Hell did you call me?" A sharp female voice called before the woman entered.

She had beautiful long dark hair, and wore all black leather. Her pale green eyes narrowed as she glanced around the small group.

West looked as angry as she did. "Why is she here?" He spits. Snart only shurgs.

"We need all the help we can get." Slade sighed. For a brief second, a gloved hand flicked out in the darkness. "Take a seat, Lance. Depending on the others, we might be here for a while."

Her gaze hardened into a glare. Lance pulled the nearest chair towards her, which is decorated by the head of a bird.

No sooner was she sat, another person poked their head into the room. Like West, he had dark skin and eyes, but was slightly older, and with a bald head.

"Jax?" The stunned speedster raced forward, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Hey, Wally." Jax smiled softly, dark eyes darting towards the group sitting around the table.

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