1. Chloe

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I was scared. He was looking for me again. I couldn't hide in this tiny wardrobe forever. I had to come out and face my fear eventually. This was all because I hadn't made his dinner right. I can never do anything right. It's not fair, we all have faults, why should I be treated like this?

I'm Chloe, and I'd describe my relationship with Johnny as abusive. He is physically, emotionally and mentally abusive and he does have behavioural problems. Johnny was put into care by his mum when he was a kid because the social workers decided she wasn't fit enough to look after him and his brother and sister, and when his mum died last year, he turned psycho.

We met in a small bar in town a few months ago and we got to know each other really well. We were just friends at the start and we could both tell we liked each other. We got together in June and we've been together for four months. At the start of our relationship it was okay; he would come to my house with flowers on my birthday and a gift and we'd always go out to the cinema to see the latest film or we'd hang out near the ice skating place near his house. But a few weeks into the relationship he started to get really controlling over me and turned into a huge control freak. He would question me on who I was texting and he would demand that I let him read through my conversations on my phone. Then he started to get picky on what I wore and he didn't want me to wear anything that would make me look like a "slut". I never even had any time for my friends, my parents or my brothers, I had to stay at home with Johnny. If I had to go away to see my family he would accuse me of loving them better than him.

The first time he hit me was a month into our relationship; I had met up with my friend Michael after college and we went out for some coffee and a chat. There was no flirting of any kind during our conversation, we were just talking about our families and what we're going to do when we're older. Johnny happened to be out that day and caught me with Michael. The minute he saw me he pulled me aside and hissed in my ear "You are not hanging out with him again." Then he grabbed my arm, said to Michael "Chloe is mine, not yours. Go and find your own girlfriend." and then he dragged me away from Michael, not giving me a chance to say goodbye. It was very humiliating and embarrassing, as everyone in the coffee shop saw.

When we got home, he threw his jacket down and slapped me hard across the face. I ran into my room and slammed the door and just cried. I wanted to tell someone, but I couldn't. If I told my brothers they'd want to come up and kick Johnny's head in. I just felt so alone.

He also mentally and emotionally abuses me too. Whenever we were out at my family parties, he'd always say to me "Your cousin looks pretty hot, why can't you be as good as her? You don't have anything to offer." or he'd say "You're so worthless and pathetic, I can't believe I started dating this."

Now here I am, 21 years old, depressed and alone, with no one to talk to.

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