2. Jack

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I'd had enough. She's been lying to me again. She's been talking and meeting with other boys behind my back. Am I not good enough for her? God, why do I live for this?

I'm Jack and I'd call my relationship with Zoe complicated. She lies to me all the time and she is very stubborn, arrogant and pushy.

We met at my cousin's birthday party, as she was a friend of a friend. We talked and got to know each other more, and we became good friends. We met up at the weekends with our other friends and we would go out to the cinema, the restaurant for dinner, and we would even go to the theme park sometimes. We always had a brilliant time. Mine and Zoe's friendship soon turned into a relationship a few weeks after we'd met. When I told my family about Zoe, my step-sister told me "Watch yourself Jack, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." I told her I'd be fine, and she had nothing to worry about.

Things started off okay, but then I noticed that Zoe had been talking to other boys behind my back. I didn't really think that anything sexual or flirty was going on and I didn't want to be one of those controlling guys who checks their girlfriend's phone, so I just left it as I thought it was no big deal. Then Zoe started to get very secretive and she would make excuses that she was going for a walk in the park to clear her head but really, she was going to the club and meeting up with other boys. I know this because my best friend Kyle was there and he had told me everything. He told me she got so drunk that she ended up touching another guy somewhere she shouldn't have, and that she was extremely flirty towards him. I was absolutely furious.

She never got home till the next morning, and I asked her where she had been. She said she stayed over at a friend's house for the night and her phone ran out. I showed her mine and Kyle's conversation and Kyle exposing her to me, and she denied everything. I didn't believe her so I broke up with her and called her a cheat.

Everything went quiet for about two weeks and I was talking to another girl called Lucy. She was lovely, and a complete difference from Zoe. She was sensitive, caring and hardworking. She lived by herself in the countryside and her boyfriend got killed in a car crash. I felt so sorry for her. We started messaging each other more and getting closer but then a few days later I received a message from Zoe. She sent me this big long paragraph saying she was sorry for everything and she wouldn't do it again, and she begged me to take her back. I didn't know what to do, as Lucy seemed nicer than her. I asked Lucy out after Zoe had asked me, but she said no because she was still grieving for her dead boyfriend and she wasn't ready for another relationship. I said that was okay and very understandable, and we could still be friends. I ignored Zoe's message for three whole days until she messaged me again. I said yes to her, as long as she was sorry for the last time and didn't do it again. I soon realised that taking her back only that just made things worse.

She did the exact same things again, being secretive and pushy and she also shouted and nagged at me a lot. Why the hell can I never have a decent girlfriend?

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