2. you look cute with in hoodie

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literally the weekend before valentine's da

daniel decided that it would be cute to flirt a little with jooheon because why not right it would just be a simple selfie and nothing could go wrong. well right, thats what he thought

going for a short getaway again how boring!

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going for a short getaway again how boring!

and literally seconds later he got a reply from joojoo

joojoo: you look cute with in a hoodie 

daniel: ah no u're like so much cuter than i am

joojoo: anyways take care alright

daniel: yea sure no problem its just that its boring i hate how we always have this random getaways

daniel: anyways i'll text you when im back from this stupid getaway i dont want my data to explode

joojoo: yea sure just text me okay. stay safe!

mhm why would you even care? lol we're not even close frens or frens that talk everyday damn this guy is weird

short chapter sorry my bad

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