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normal - harper
italic - ross


incoming facetime call
from ross💕

"um, hello?"

"uh, uhm- hi."

"did you need something?"

"yeah, um.."

"wait- where are you? that looks a lot like my backyard."

"it is, actually."

"what are you doing in my backyard? what are you doing in nyc? i thought you were filming for sabrina."

"i got the day off."

"still, that doesn't answer my question about you being in my backyard?"

"come and see."

"weirdo. okay, but stay on the line."


"ross, are you being serious?"

"dead serious."


"what do you say?"

"i'm shocked."

"i mean the answer to my question harper."




♡ kiernanshipka, addkiara, camimendes and 1,773,337 others liked

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♡ kiernanshipka, addkiara, camimendes and 1,773,337 others liked

monaharper didn't know my backyard came with such cute boys

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♡ madelame, ollieruth, milliebobbybrown and 1,929,084 others liked

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♡ madelame, ollieruth, milliebobbybrown and 1,929,084 others liked

ross_lynch stop being so cute, it's not fair

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♡ monaharper, ross_lynch and 450,199 others liked

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♡ monaharper, ross_lynch and 450,199 others liked

addkiara FINALLY

[tagged: monaharper, ross_lynch]

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addkiara i love getting insta famous bc of harper and ross


username am i dreaming? am i dreaming? am i dreaming?


username when did this happen?

username thank you god

username the fact that we'll now get cute rosser photos from their little dates and them cuddling, warms my little heart

username I LOVE LIFE

kiernanshipka took you long enough

username ^

gavinleatherwood i would like to take credit for this
-ollieruth i did everything?
-addkiara y'all did nothing

username so cuteeeeeee

username i want this kind of love

chance_perdomo i've been waiting for this

username all caos cast ships rosser. that's it. that's the tweet.

username god heard my prayer and gave me what i asked for🙏🏽

username ur stealing my man

username this put huge smile on my face

addkiara he really flew out to nyc so he can seduce her with "here I am, in a city of millions, surrounded by some of the finest works of art known to humanity, and all I can look at is you" and i can't even get a text back

author's note.
i'm so bad at this ew.
anyway, one more chapter and we're done with this book.

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