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That's right, you read right! The first chapter of the sequel is out! Which means the official editing of Experiment Zero has begun! If you enjoyed Experiment Zero, please go check out book 2! It has all your favorite characters and more, which is a bonus. 

I want to thank you all so much! This sequel could not have made it without you! I'm serious. A little while ago I was going to ditch Experiment Zero, or finish it and then leave it at that, but because of all of you and your support, I'm writing a sequel......I did not see this coming. What the heck did I get myself into? lol. But anyway, thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

Cover down below!

Vote, comment, and go give @blck_n_whte a vote on her cover book for the amazing cover she has made me

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Vote, comment, and go give @blck_n_whte a vote on her cover book for the amazing cover she has made me. Also comment and tell me if you like the cover! Lots of love, Dangeroustoken.

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