Chapter 6

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Ethan's POV

"I'm so excited for you to meet Zayn" Harry exclaimed with his leg bouncing annoyingly

It's Friday and I came over after school walking, Harry doesn't live far so I was fine. Zayn would have came with Harry walking home but on Fridays they sleep over one another's house and Zayn went home to get his bag, he could've came prepared to school with everything but as Harry said he didn't want to carry the extra bag with him

The week hasn't been any different than others, school work, little homework, a total of two quizzes and an open notes test. Grayson came over more, without Stacy stating she was with others or work and couldn't come with. I was fine with it, I like Stacy but being with Grayson alone is nicer, he's different than most, like when you're with your family it's different than being with your friends, Grayson fits in another group that I can't put a name to

"He's here!" Harry jumps up from the couch walking briskly to the front door a couple steps away from the living room, Netflix was displayed on the tv, but Harry refused to play anything before Zayn arrived, I thought we'd be talking instead, but he just typed away on his phone talking to Zayn instead of me

"Hey-" I heard before it got cut off by what I guess was a hug or a kiss from Harry, probably both knowing his excitement

"Zayn this is Ethan, my cousin, and Ethan this is Zayn, my boyfriend" Harry introduces as he comes in holding Zany's hand, he was wearing black jeans and an olive green shirt with black converse shoes, a gym bag strapped around his shoulders as he shrugs it off, walking over to give me a handshake

He excuses himself to take the bag upstairs to Harry's room, "So, thoughts?"

"I don't know I just met him," I laughed "seems nice I guess, dresses nicely, looks good, and from what you've told me, altogether he sounds like a good person"

"Good, cause I really like him and I love you so you better become best friends" Harry's scolds, "I'll try" I laugh off

Zayn steps down the stairs, shoes off as he comes and plops down next to Harry on the loveseat, giving him a kiss on the cheek as Harry grins and scoots closer "What do you wanna do" he asks

We decided to play Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch, the two were too into each other to do anything as I got up to set everything up, passing them their controllers as I sat by myself on the big couch in front of the tv

We switched from Mario Kart to Mario Party, Zayn and Harry kept either helping one another or cheating and playing against each other, poking and tickling, whispering in each other's ear, squirming in amusement or embarrassment, I wasn't sure

Harry has some extra lasagna his parents made in the fridge that we heated up and ate as we watched the movie Hush, it was about a deaf girl isolated in the woods with a killer trying to get into her house, I won't tell you the outcome on whether the killer got what they wanted or she survived, but it was a really good movie

Zayn and I didn't really talk much, yeah we had some conversations here and there but with Harry here and it was usually about the game or the movie. Harry did go to the bathroom at one point for a little less than five minutes, we talked some about our lives and Harry, we both adored the tall little man he was, I'm glad Harry can be happy with someone like that, a boyfriend like Zayn, they haven't been dating for too long but I feel they'll be together for a while at least

It was 10:17pm and I called my mom to come and pick me up, Harry asked if I wanted to sleepover too but I had a feeling they really just wanted to be with each other for the rest of the night

My mom came as I hugged Harry goodbye, telling him I'll see him Sunday and shaking Zany's hand telling them to have a good night "Tell Kate I said hi!" Waving at me and my moms car, a vague figure moving around at the drivers seat, I'm guessing my mom saw Harry waving her way

"So how was Harry's, and why didn't you sleep over, you usually do?"

Sitting down with a sigh, looking back at the front door seeing Harry giggling at something Zayn said, closing the door as Zayn held onto Harry's waist from behind

"Yeah we had fun, played some games and watched a good film I have to show you sometime. I would've slept over but Harry had his boyfriend Zayn over and it kind of felt like I was intruding, and like a third wheel but I didn't mind"

"Wait Harry has a boyfriend, why didn't you tell me" giving a slap to my shoulder, it didn't hurt but it was a reminder of how I should be telling her everything about my life, Harry's too apparently, I was going to but I honestly forgot after I saw Grayson at the church the other day

Unlocking the front door I rush up the stairs, going to my room, taking my shoes off at the corner of my room as I set my bag down next to them

I go to put my phone to charge before it goes off displaying a text from Grayson

Gray: I know it's late but could I come over?

Ethan: Yeah ok

Ethan was pretty tired but Grayson coming over sounded nice, not like they would be running around, probably just sit on the couch and watch a movie or a show, maybe some YouTube even

Knocking came from downstairs as Ethan ran down the steps to open the door, he knew Kate was asleep in her room, likes to sleep early, well early-ish

Opening the door with a lazy smile, now in basketball shorts, black ankle socks, and a baggy shirt. Grayson stood there looking worn out, stressed, and even more fatigued than he had felt himself

"Gray are you ok?" Ethan asked worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine" leaning in to give a hug while kissing him on the cheek, staying there, holding Ethan for a little longer before toeing off his shoes and walking over to the couch, turning the tv on and going to Netflix waiting for Ethan to come sit by his side, drape an arm around his shoulders, rubbing at the clothed skin of his arm, head on top of the other as their faces glowed an assortment of colors throughout the rest of the night

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