Chapter 11

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Third POV

"Hey mom where's Ethan, I haven't seen him since we took pictures?" Harry asked Anne whom was grabbing a slice of cheesecake at the table, setting the dessert down she walked them over to the dining room table close by

"Grayson took Ethan home Harry" Anne told softly, wanting to break the news of his late aunt and her sister gently, she was devastated to say the least but she didn't want to ruin her sons special day, he was supposed to be happy, after Grayson told her of the accident that ended his wife and her sisters life she left to the bathroom telling him to call down the boys to take pictures, she cried as little as she could before washing her face and stepping out, collecting herself, putting on a fake smile for everyone, hiding what begged to be free

"Kate was on her way to the church after picking Stacy up, and when they stopped at a red light there was a drunk driver, and they didn't make it" Anne teared up, walking up the stairs to have some time to herself

Harry's eyes watered as he stood in shock, "Hey Harreh what's wrong?" Zayn coddled his boyfriend, taking him to the side so they could talk, Zayn stayed with Harry the rest of the party in his room, Anne sent everyone home early saying Harry got sick, not wanting to break the news just yet, she didn't want everyone else's sympathy, or to see anyone else shed more tears, all she wanted was what she couldn't have

Harry laid on Zayn's chest, a hand combing through his hair, eyes stung red, sniffing through his runny nose

Grayson took Ethan home, he ran to his mothers room and hasn't come out since, Grayson sat on the couch staring at the ceiling, numb, his best friend and wife were dead, his godson upstairs probably more heartbroken than he was

Godson... he had to take care of him now, as long as Ethan wants to stay with him and not Maria, he hopes Ethan stays with him, Gray needs him right now, doesn't want him to leave and barely see him like Maria does

Grayson sits up with a grunt, sat there with his arms on his knees hunched over, getting up and walking to the steps, stood outside Kate's old room, hearing nothing beyond the white wooden door

He twists the knob to find it unlocked and creaks it open to find Ethan's face stuffed in one of the many decorative pillows, cheeks puffy and stained with streaks of clear reflectance

He walks by and sits beside him, bed sinks from the extra weight and Ethan lays stiff, uninterrupted from the motion

Gray lays down behind him, curls a delicate arm around his waist as he scoots closer, nose prodding the tufts of scruffy hair, eyes close and they both lay asleep on the bed of one so close to them both, taken from everyone along with another, given to God too early

Ethan wakes with a weight ghosting from behind, pressure smooths along his slim waist, hair parting from behind as warm air collides with strands of dark brown, waves pushed and pulled like the sea

He knows the company in bed is Grayson, like a shadow he stays close, restraining you from being alone, even in the dark it's still there, just closer

He tosses his head back down, sighing as he scoots back some, fully embraced in warmth, the scent of his mother lingers beneath him in the sheets and pillows that hold their heads up, Grayson's scent comes to play here and there, a nice atmosphere that lulls him back to sleep

Grayson wakes an hour or so later, Ethan beside him in a heavy sleep, he retracts his hands as Ethan lays still, limp

Grayson opens the door and walks out to make them dinner, Ethan grumbles, turns and falls back to where Grayson laid moments ago, alone once again, he can feel it, but it doesn't wake him

Grayson stirs the pot of chicken and broth, takes out the meat and tears it to shreds, goes to the boiled eggs, dicing them and putting it all into separate bowls, grabs a bag of potato sticks and makes two bowls of broth with spoons wrapped in a napkin, cups of juice sit there

Grayson sets everything on top of a small table, carrying everything with the same gentleness reserved for Ethan

His back pressed into the door, careful hands set the small table on the bedside cabinet, Ethan's face contorts with fear and worry, his little chest pumps too quickly for a sleeping figure

He grooms his hand through his sweaty hair, "Ethan, Ethan come on wake up"

Ethan's small breath hitches as his eyes brim and gloss, Grayson hugs him tightly, Ethan sniffs into his neck, eyes closed as he settles down, reverting back into the sheets

Grayson grabs the table, gently setting it in the middle of the bed, "Gray, could you..." he looks down not wanting to finish

Grayson sets it on the side of the bed, walks behind Ethan, grabbing a blanket beforehand sat on a chair nearby, drapes it over Ethan as he hugs him from behind, grabbing the controller and looks for a movie to watch, decides on Mulan, prepares a bowl for them both as they lay in silence, the Asian warrior moving across the screen with her comrades Mushu and the blue cricket, a nice happy movie they both loved, in need of something other than what they feel, a distraction

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