rain, ethan

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you and ethan had been continuously arguing for about a week now. it had gotten to the point where you didn't even know what you were arguing about anymore. it had started off when ethan had cancelled your 6th date in a row because of his work.

you were sitting in your room, scrolling through netflix when your phone pings.

i'm sorry, i can't
do this anymore.
we're over.

you bite your lip before putting down your phone and bursting into tears. you knew this would happen. he's fucking ethan dolan. you knew things would never work out.

a week later.

you jump as you hear a loud knock on your door over the pouring rain. "it's three in the morning" you whine. you turn off gilmore girls and put down your massive tub of cookie dough. you look in the mirror and groan. you were wearing his grey champion hoodie and sweatpants, your hair in pigtails. your eyes were red with dark eye bags from your lack of sleep. trying to ignore the fact that you looked like a raccoon you go to open the door.

you gulp and your eyes start watering at the person outside. ethan was standing there in a black hoodie with sweats on. he had his hood up and his clothes were drenched. his eyes were puffy and his face was blotchy from crying.

"i'm sorry" he mumbled. you let out a small sob and fall into his arms. he wraps his muscular arms around your waist tightly. "i'm never going to let you go again. ever" he whispers into your hair.

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