You Have A Family?

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Joshua does not belong to me and neither does the art.

Word count: 1432

Mikayla would squeak, and hide behind Pyro. Pyro would look backwards, confused. "What's with the hiding?" He'd question, turning around fully. "We have to go, now--" Mikayla would say, trying to drag him away. "Why!? This band is so good, Mika--" Pyro would complain. "THAT'S MY BROTHER--" She'd screech, right in the middle of a silence from the band. Suddenly a path in the crowd had clear, and there he was..

Joshua strode towards them at a quick pace. His hair was short, and brown, but the tips were dyed a nice red color. He had deep tan skin, just as his sister, but his eyes were a teal color. He wore black lipstick, and black eyeshadow, along with black nail polish. He looked overall gothic. Joshua looked as if he was blinking back tears. "Mi--Mikayla? Is that you?" Joshua would question, his eyes softening. "No--" Mikayla would try and lie, but Pyro would push her forward "Yes, she is Mikayla Fitzgerald." He'd comment. Mikayla would growl, and glare at Pyro. Joshua would begin to cry, enveloping her into a bone-crushing hug. Mikayla would immediately shove him away, backing up. "Oh, dad'll be so happy! And Jeremy--" He'd ramble then gasp "Emma! She'd love to see you. She's been summoning demons to find you since you left," He'd explain "I'll get dad to cook waffles--" "Joshua." "And we'll call Grimmus and Yakatu--" "JOSHUA." "And we'll be a famil--" "JOSHUA BENJAMIN FITZGERALD!" Joshua would finally stop, and look at her. "I'm not going back." She'd say, crossing her arms, a scowl crossing her features. "Wh-- What? Why? Mikayla, you ran away saying we didn't love you. But we've been searching for years now. We love you, so why not come back?" Joshua would say, beginning to seem hurt and angry. "In Annie, they tried to get Annie back. But that was for money, not love." Mikayla would retort, only to get Joshua commenting "But the orphanage lady realized she loved Annie and lived happily ever after.". That caught Mikayla off guard. "I'm not going back. Go back up on stage, rock or whatever, and I'll take my leave." Mikayla said, turning and walking away. Joshua would sigh and hand Pyro his card. "Call me. If you convince Mikayla to come home." He'd say, walking back towards the stage.

Pyro would catch up to Mikayla, whom was positively fuming. "Hey Mi--" "Why did you tell him?" Mikayla would interrupt Pyro mid-sentence, looking pissed. "He was your family, and he seemed genuinely happy to see you." Pyro would point out the obvious, only further pushing Mikayla. "Okay, listen up, bitch." She'd turn to Pyro. "I don't know who the fuck died and made you king of my life, but I left for a reason! And you are NOT dragging me back, okay!?" This is the only time Pyro had ever seen her truly angry. Her face was red, she looked like crying, and she was screaming. Mikayla would immediately turn and sprint away, leaving Pyro in the dust. He'd sigh and stroll behind her, deciding he would be using the window to get in tonight.

As soon as Mikayla made it home, she shut and locked the door. She'd plop on the couch, finally calm. She'd take out a photo of her and her family, years ago.. Back when it was okay. Back when they were still together. She knew this was an obligatory flashback moment, but there was rapping at the window. Pyro was, of course, standing outside. By rapping, she meant rapping. He was singing Eminem. She'd let a little smile grace her lips for a split second before dropping it and unlocking the door, then plopping down on the couch once again. Once inside, Pyro sat down beside her, and the interrogation was in session.

"Why do you hate your family so much?" Pyro asked, curiously. "Why do you love yours?" She'd snap back. Pyro would sigh "Can't say I have any left." He looked somber. Mikayla would look slightly remorseful "Sorry.." She'd mumble, not wanting to meet his eyes. Those fucking wonderful violet eyes-- 'Stop thinking that Mikayla!' She'd mentally slap herself. "It's fine. Answer my question and I'll forgive you." He'd say, then grin. Mikayla would groan internally and externally. "I.." She'd run a hand through her blonde hair "I was taken. Kidnapped." She'd begin to explain. "When I was young, maybe 9 or 10? I can't remember. It was the old 'I'll bring you home' trick. I still can't understand how I believed them. They took me away and did.. Terrible things. From rape, to torture, to burning.." Mikayla would wince at remembering it. Pyro laid a hand on her back and rubbed it, gently. He was surprised she hadn't shoved him away. "I begged for my dad to save me. He's a mercenary. He'd come? Or maybe.. Aunt Tessa? She's a hero and scientist. Or.. Maybe all of my dad's hero friends! But, nobody came.." She'd frown, grimly "I escaped. I never came home, instead just.. kinda living of the streets. A hatred grew. For family, and.." She'd pull away from his comforting hand, glaring at him "For heroes." She'd finish.

"Are you happy now?" She'd cross her arms, her frown only deepening. "I couldn't be happy at that story. But I have a proposition." He'd say, hoping to strike a deal. "That is..?" She'd question. "We go visit your family. Once. And hear their side of the story," He'd say, holding out his hand "If it isn't satisfying, we won't go back again. Okay?".

Mikayla took his hand and shook it, before pulling her hand away and wiping it. "Whatever." She'd comment, not even looking at him. He'd chuckle "That's my girl." He'd say, pulling out his phone and dialing Joshua's number. Mikayla would hiss "Im not your girl." And get up, grabbing something to drink. Meanwhile, Pyro's phone would ring twice before--

(Bold - Joshua
Italic - Pyro)

'Hello? Joshua Fitzgerald speaking.'

'This is Pyro, the guy that was with your sister?'

'Ah! Did she finally come around?'

'Yeah. I convinced her. We're going to visit and hear you guys' part of the story. Is there a certain time we should come?'

'How about noon, tomorrow? Sound good?'

'Yep. See ya then.'


Pyro would end the call and click off his phone, looking over to see Mikayla humming 'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira while swaying her hips slightly and getting ice cream. It was a nice view to say at the least, that is, until Mikayla turned around and glared at him, yelling "PERVERT!" And throwing a spoon at him (Which he narrowly avoided.). Pyro would grin "Hey, just gotta look at it. It's very nice." Her face would darken "Shut the fuck up." She'd growl. "I prefer talking. Anyhow, we will be visiting your family tomorrow at noon. So don't go getting drunk tonight~" He'd hum, standing up and walking towards the door-- "Wait, you're leaving?" Mikayla would question, evidence on her face that she didn't want him to go. "Well, you've been begging me to leave since I came, so I've decided to give you a break." He'd answer, turning to face her. Mikayla was having a fight, internally. She knew she had a hatred for heroes, and had been fighting him all night but.. She didn't want him to go.

"So I made you a glass of ice cream for nothing?" She'd comment, while the emotions on her face became stoic. Gone. He'd chuckle "Fine, fine. Because you're practically begging me, I'll stay." He'd sing, taking his glass of ice cream and a spoon, and plopping on the couch. "I wouldn't consider it begging..." Mikayla would retort, sitting down beside him. Pyro would grin "You're really warming up to me." He'd comment, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. "I have a theory, Mika," Pyro would start, while she tried to pull away from his grasp around her shoulder "I think that the drugs and alcohol made you hostile. My evidence is now that I've cut you off from it, you're becoming less mean and more joking and witty." He'd look over and smile at the girl who had given up trying to escape. Instead she resorted to laying on him, she seemed to be slowly falling asleep. He'd sigh, softly.
"Guess I'll stay." He'd set both their glasses on the table and pull a blanket over both of them, slowly falling asleep himself.

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