The Fitzgeralds.

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Here it is! Time to meet Mika's crazy ass family.
Emma belongs to Zorua14 .

Word count: 1046

Mikayla would wake up, on the couch, to the smell of omelette. She momentarily forget Pyro was here before remembering so. She'd sleepily sit up, her blonde hair a knotted mess. "Mornin' Sleeping Beauty." Pyro would him and smile over. She'd look over to see the man, except.. He was shirtless. Oh Jesus Christ-- Her face was covered in blush as she yelled "PUT A SHIRT ON!" And went under the blanket. "Look, Mika," "Mikayla." She'd retort. "Look, Mikayla, if I'm gonna live here, you gotta get used to me being shirtless." He'd explain. "Live here? Who said you were?" She'd peek out from under the blanket and threw a glare at him. "Well, you seemed to want me to. You didn't even want me to leave last night." He'd finish up his omelette, cut it in half, sprinkle some salt and pepper on it, and hand Mikayla one half. Mikayla would take it and roll her eyes "Doesn't mean I want you to live here." She'd comment, putting a piece of omelette in her mouth. He'd plop down next to her "Why? Do you not like what you see, babe?" He'd flex and grin. Mikayla's face would darken "No! I do not!" She'd groan and go under the blanket.

After finishing their food, Pyro would wash the dishes and say "You might wanna start getting ready, Mika." Which caused Mikayla to pop up. "For what?" She'd question. "We're going to visit your family today, remember?" Pyro would hum, turning off the spicket. Mikayla would groan, loudly, and get up, stretching. Pyro would grin "Nice ass." He'd comment. "Fuck off." Mikayla would retort, basically stumbling into her bedroom. Once she came out, she was in new (almost identical to her last outfit) clothing. Her hair was neatly brushed, and her lipstick was put on. Pyro himself had put a shirt on, thankfully. "11:25, lets head out." He'd take her hand and drag her out. She knew attempting to stop him was futile, so she just let him do his thing.

Once they were at the front door, Mikayla felt nervous. Her stomach was bubbling. It had been nearly 8 years, and.. Nothing of that house had changed. Even the pottery Mikayla had made in school was still there. Pyro felt her nervousness and whispered "It'll be okay. I'm here." He'd smile reassuringly. That made her calm down, if only a bit. She'd tangle her hand with his, and press the doorbell. They'd then wait for their demise.

The door was opened by.. A tall man, with nice peach skin, and short brown hair. His eyes were a sparkling blue. "Mi-- Mikayla.." He'd be at a loss for words. "Dad." She'd say, not a hint of emotion in her voice. He'd pull her in for a big hug, but she'd just shove him away and walk inside. Pyro would smile and nod, following right behind her. Mikayla would look around at her old home. It really was no different. Even the family photo still had 10-year-old her in it. On the couch sat a boy about Mikayla's age, with a mess of chestnut brown hair, and dark green eyes like her. His skin was a bit lighter. He wore a green sweater and jeans. "S--Sis..?" The kid whispered. Her eyes seemed to soften at the sight of the smaller man. She'd walk over "Hey... Little bro." She'd give a slight smile. "Y-You know I-I'm no younger. W-We're twins." He'd comment. Pyro would soon realize, she was being soft because this was her other half. Her twin. Suddenly, loud bangs could be heard down the stairs. At the end of the stairs stood a young girl, he'd say about 15. She had short, brown hair, and tan skin. Her eyes were a deep green. She was wearing all black, though. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?" She'd practically screech at Mikayla, before launching and attack hugging Mikayla. "Hey.. Emma.." She'd mumble as she'd try to shove 'Emma' off. Emma would finally get off and Mikayla would push herself up, groaning. The man from before, which Pyro knew at Joshua, would descend down the stairs. "Let's all sit down, shall we?" Joshua would ask, smiling.

And that's what we all did. I sat beside Mikayla, and beside Mikayla sat Jeremy. Mikayla's dad, whom I now knew at Wes, sat in a lounge chair, smiling. Joshua and Emma sat side-by-side. "Mikayla, you went missing 8 years ago after being kidnapped. Dad filed a missing child report and screamed at the officers for saying that it would take up to a week to actually file it." Joshua would explain. "Joshua went missing for 3 days after going out to search for you non-stop, day and night, until we finally forced him to come back in." Her father add in. "O-Once Emma fi-figured out w-what truly happened, she b-began to summon demons and m-m-monsters to search for you. Eve--Even they couldn't track y-you down." Jeremy would pipe up and add in. "Dad destroyed every warehouse possible to find you, and even sent superheroes to try and find you." Emma would comment "Plus, Jeremy here cried for days, wishing for his twin to come home." She'd look over at the twitching Jere. "So, as you see, we do love you baby. A lot. And we missed you." Her father would whisper, looking at Mikayla, who just stared at her knees. "These 8 years.. Of hatred, of misery, of alcoholism and drug addiction, trying to push away all this anger.. And you guys loved me all along." Mikayla would begin to laugh. And that laughing slowly dissolved to sobbing. Her family would come up and embrace her, hugging her tightly. Pyro just sat there, smiling.. That is, until Joshua dragged him into a hug. "You're part of this family, too, Pyro.." Joshua would comment, making Pyro smile.

After a long cry from Mikayla, Joshua announced "Hoping and knowing this visit would go well, I invited 2 special guests.

"Please give a warm welcome to Mikayla's old best friends,

Yakatu Kyogo and Grimmus Ackerman."

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