~The New Intern~

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     Third POV

      Y/N jus recently moved into Yokohama, so she wasn't quite familiar with every part of it yet. However she found the place so beautiful already.
   "There is so much to do here!" Y/N thought to herself as she walked through the beautiful city.

   As much as Y/N loved the place, she constantly felt like the odd one out. I mean she knew that there were many people out there like her and she was aware of all the shit that went on around her. But she never really acknowledged her special ability. She didn't even see it as a special ability if she was being completely honest. For Gods sake she didn't even know how to properly control her special ability. At first she didn't even want to believe she had one. That it was all just a nightmare that she would soon wake up from. But no in fact it was completely the opposite of that.  Her special ability was known as "Leaves of Grass." She thought this was a pretty fucking useless ability. But maybe that was because she hadn't learned to use it properly yet. It is supposed to "be involved with nature" whatever the fuck that meant.

   Y/N just shook her head. She was honestly getting stressed just by thinking about all of this "special ability" shit. Instead of letting that stress get to her she smiled it off and continued to sight see the beautiful city right before her feet. Every part of this city was so precious! She couldn't help herself but to spin with her arms wide open. She let out the biggest smile, which is something she hasn't done lately. At least this city made her feel at peace, something she had been searching for, for well... most of her life. She didn't want to let go of these wonderful feelings the city gave her. Y/N closed her eyes for a split second and little did she know something terrible would happen in that split second. The so called peaceful city was about to not feel the same any longer.


   Y/N opened her eyes in complete fear as she had heard the loudest, and threatening bang. Was there even such thing as a sound as loud as this one?

   "WATCH OUT!!" Y/N heard as she soon was pushed to the ground by a white haired gentleman. Y/N was way too in shock to even say anything about just being harshly pushed to the ground by someone she didn't even recognize. Though she did soon feel guilty by finding out the reason she was pushed to the ground. She moved her head sideways to see a huge boulder smash into the area she was once standing in. Y/N couldn't move a single inch of her body. She was completely torn into fear.

   "Are you okay miss?!" The boy said quickly as he was scared he had badly injured Y/N.

Y/N tried to move her lips and let out the words to release him from his anxiety, but her own anxiety got in the way of that. So instead she slowly nodded and looked at him with widened eyes.

"WereTiger don't think we are done yet" an angered voice said before the boy could even say anything.

   He got up quickly with a snarl. Before Y/B could tell what was happening the boy who had just saved Y/N  from death turned into a vicious white tiger. The tiger sprinted to a black haired man in an inhuman speed.  Y/N still sat there in shock not knowing what was going on in her so thought peaceful city.

  Second POV

   All that was around you was complete violence. You didn't know how you felt about it. But you sure knew you didn't feel any good towards it. Why was this happening and why did you have to be in it? You kept thinking to yourself.

    But you knew you couldn't just sit here being all naive. You knew you couldn't do much to help the boy who had just saved you since you had no idea how to even do so. But at this point this fight between the two looked really deadly and not only were the causing trouble for them selves but for the people around them. Why were they making this so public? But then again I guess that's what happens in all these super hero movies or whatever.

    Before you knew it the two were about to cause a full out collision. One that would for sure ruin the city. However before this deadly collision were to happen you noticed a rapid change and in the wind. You noticed the leaves blowing right off the tree coming towards your area. You noticed the stones coming off of the ground, as long as the sticks. They all came together to create what seemed to be a barrier of some sort. Soon this "barrier" went right between the two fighting. As long with a barrier that surrounded the two in a huge ball creating a way for the city to not get hit with as much damage as it would've before. You stood there wondering. "Is this what I think it is?" Is this your power, the one you never know how to control. The one you feel that you just have for show. You looked down at your feet really quickly to notice the whole ground was shaking. Was this ability causing an.. earth quake? You quickly tried to stop yourself from using your ability but it wasn't stopping. Was this peaceful city about to be ruined not because of the two men fighting but because of you? Or your stupid ability that always goes wrong whenever you try to use it. Which you gave up on using it just because something always went wrong. But this time you didn't even try to use it, it just came out of no where. You went into complete shock once again thinking you were to ruin another perfect city. You didn't even notice the two men forcefully hitting the ground. You were having a panic attack, and the more you panicked the more the earth shook underneath you.

"WHY WONT IT STOP?!" You basically screamed to yourself.

   Your panic only continued to grow, but then it all just stopped... you felt nothing but drowsiness. Before you fell to your feet passing out your head shifted to the right noticing a tall man with precious brown hair holding your shoulder with a smile. A smile that made you feel safe. Before you know it, your vision went all black.

   Dazai's POV

   As soon as the girl with the precious soft (h/l) (h/c) hair fell to the ground my smile I showed her had quickly disappeared. I quickly caught her before she could make a nasty fall and get injured, having her lie in my chest. I couldn't stop staring at her face. Not only because she was so beautiful looking but because I've never seen her face around here before. Who could she be? And why have I not heard of her ability? She obviously had an ability.

  "Maybe I should take her in to the agency" I thought to myself. Which is something I decided to do. So I picked her up lifting the girl over my shoulders. Then I quickly walked over to the two boys who just couldn't hold their anger in for each other. They were as well unconscious, so I picked up Atsushi carrying him on my free shoulder. And as soon as I knew it I stood right in front of the agency building. I walked up to my office placing the two down on the soft couch. Watching everyone stare as I had brought in a nice looking girl as well.

   "Did you finally find a nice lady to commit a double suicide with Dazai?" Kunikida rolled his eyes and asked.

   "No actually, but thanks for that idea! I shall ask her when she wakes up!" I grinned wide knowing maybe I had find the perfect chance out!

  "Oh knock it off dumbass leave the girl alone. Who is she anyways?" Kunikida continued.

   "I dunno I just found her, turns out she has a special ability as well." I answered.

  As soon as I finished that sentence, the boss walked in. Was he expecting me to bring in such a lovely women?!


   My eyes slowly opened, I had felt such a horrible headache. I couldn't remember anything of what just happened. I was so deep into my senses that didn't even notice the area I was in. Wait?! Where was it?! Who are these people?! Hey why is that white haired kid from earlier standing in front of me?! I quickly looked to my left seeing pure darkness coming from the window. Was it nighttime already?! What?! How long was I out for?! Last thing I remember it was still in the morning! Before I could even continue with my panic of the new area I was in. I noticed someone I "met" before. The handsome brown haired gentleman who smiled at me. Wait he touched my shoulder as well, and then it all went black. Wait what happened?! I quickly shook my head to get my thinking back to normal. I noticed there was a whole lot of people standing in front of me not only the two people from before. All of these people were new faces. Though I quickly noticed the man with brown locks sticking out his hand saying words that would change my life forever.

"Would you like to be a part of the Armed Detective Company?"

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