~Who is he?~

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First POV

"Would you like to be a part of the Armed Detective Company?" I had heard from the charming young man with the wavy brown locks. I noticed that he was holding is hand out as he asked it. Damn I didn't even know him yet but he was already winning me over. I thought to myself.

   "Hold up, I don't even know you guys, and the Armed Detective Company? I've only heard about it a few times but then again I still don't know much about it?!" I said in confusion. Leaving the room in silence for a minute. Damn was that awkward.

  All of the sudden I heard a chuckle come from the man who had asked me to join in the first place. I sat there looking at him with confusion.

  "Then why don't we get to know each other better?! For starters my name is Osamu Dazai" Dazai greeted himself before nudging at the others to as well introduce themselves.

   "Nice to finally introduce myself to you! My name is Atsushi." He said with the biggest and brightest smile.

"Kunikida" the tall blonde male said with a serious tone.

   "I am Kyouka, nice to meet you!" She said with a bright smile.

   "You may call me Yosano, I am a doctor so if you are ever in need of help-" she was cut off by scared looks around the room.

   "Ah I am Ranpo, nice to meet you!" The childish looking man said while sucking on a lollipop.

    Dazai quickly cut in. "Since you guys are taking way too long at introductions I think I will finish it off, these two right here are the siblings known as Tanizaki and Naomi. Over here we have Kirako and Kenji and of course our boss Yukichi!" Dazai said while smiling, honestly deep down I thanked him, as much as I love to be polite, they were really taking a while.

  "Ah.. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet all of you!" I said trying to be the most polite I could be, knowing I was still in a very confusing situation. In fact I still had no clue how I even got here.

   "Hey, Y/N. You really are a beautiful lady. How do you feel about committing a double sui-" dazai was cut off by a book being thrown to his head by Kunikida.

    "You can't just go around asking people to commit suicide with you dazai! No one in their right mind would do such a thing!" The blonde said with obvious anger as if he has steam coming out of his ears.

  I let out a soft "heh" that definitely sounded like I had no idea what was even going on around me. Then I opened my mouth about to let words fall out of it, however quickly closed it once again because heck I had no idea what to even say in this situation? Someone I don't even know was about to ask me to commit a double suicide with him and seemed so happy about it. And besides where am I again? How did I even get here?! Everything was just so confusing to me. Why suddenly ask me if I want to join a secret organization I barley know anything about? Well I highly doubt there isn't any "catches" to it, and I'm pretty sure when the man so called "Dazai" asked that life changing question he was being stared down with confusion by everyone else in the room. What were they not suspecting him to do such a thing? Everything was still not adding up to me, I had no idea what was going on. Then I finally opened my mouth once more to give a answer the brunette had recently asked.

  "I'm sorry but first of all, I have no idea who you people even are, I have no idea how I even got here in the first place, and I'm sure applying to be in a secret organization isn't easy. I don't want to seem like a bother so please don't worry about me, I am fine and I would love it if I could make myself go to my comfortable bed!" I finished that sentence with so much determination and confidence.

    But surely my confidence was crushed completely by a chuckle that came from the floor.

   You saw Dazai lift himself to his full height once again and stared at you e/c orbs with his brown ones. Chucking once more as he was only a few feet away from you.

   "You sure do have confidence Y/N, I admire that. But you are right, we wouldn't let someone in so easily, and besides that isn't even up to me. I thought it would be funny to get your reaction out of that big question." The brunette finished his sentence with yet another chuckle.

  Your confidence sunk even lower, in fact you felt your face burn up in the matter of seconds, this guy just embarrassed me and I don't even know who he is?! Not to mention it wasn't just in front of him but in front of a whole room of professional looking people I didn't even know?! Before I could even go on with my overthinking thoughts I felt a hand grab my shoulder, then I soon felt myself being lifted from the ground, I soon realized I was being held bridal styled by the brunette known as Dazai.

   "But you know Y/N... I really think I would like to get to know you better." And before anyone or even myself could even say anything Dazai stormed out of the agency with you still being held in his arms.

  As you guys reached the entrance of the building you started to move around struggling to get down from the mans grasp. He noticed this and chuckled even more

  "Usually when I hold a women like this they don't want to let go of me." He found that interesting so he placed you back down onto your two feet.

  "Yeah right, you wish." You rolled your eyes at the brunette.

  "Y/N! That hurt!" He said while dramatically holding onto his chest like some sort of soap opera.

  You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle from his actions which led him to complain even more about how "he has feelings" and how I shouldn't be "playing around with them" pshh yeah right you told yourself.

  "Well I really do thank you for bringing me into safety, but I really do need to head home now." I said while starting to walk off while waving with the back of my hand towards the strangely good thinking man. Though my plans of running off were interrupted by Dazai running up to you as fast as he could even though you didn't even get far in the first place, he was being over dramatic once more and acting as if he had just ran a race.

  "W-wait Y/n" Dazai somehow managed to get this words out. "You seem new around here, I would love to show you around if you gave me the chance." The brunette said so normally making his heavy breathing from earlier look like even more of an act.

  "Hmm.." you looked at your non existent watch on your wrist. "Sorry but I'm late for somewhere I really need to be." You said while picking up your speed to walk away from the agency building until you couldn't even see it anymore. And of course with your luck, the brunette wouldn't stop following you. Of course the only thing he did was pick up his speed so it would match yours.

   "Hm and I highly doubt that Y/N. But you know, I shall let you be but just a warning... after seeing someone like me... I for sure will be in your dreams." Dazai said with a smirk and a wink, and you just rolled your eyes at his statement. "Yeahhh sureee." You replied.

  You continued to walk and you notice that the brunette was finally not following you anymore, which made you let out a huge sigh. You could finally make it home in peace. Which is exactly what you did, before you knew it you were finally on your own doorstep unlocking your door which led to your home sweet home. You have never been so determined to get to your bed after such a weird day. So that's exactly what you did, you took off your shoes and shut the door behind you. Before you knew it you plopped yourself down onto you bed.

  "Geez what a day..."

     Dazai POV

   As the young women with the beautiful h/l h/c hair walked away from himself and the agency, Dazai stopped himself but continued to stare as Y/N walked off.

  "You really are something aren't you Y/N.. and now that you've interested me... don't think you can get away so quickly."



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