chapter 12

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Jolies POV

we arrived at billies. she opened the door on her side of the van and ran round to my side before i could get out.

"what are you doing?" i asked her as she opened my door.

"opening the door for my girl." she grinned.

i sat and smiled at her for a minute, just thinking about how fucking lucky i am. i can't believe it.

"what? it's polite!" she said, reaching for my hand and pulling me out.

"thanks dan! see ya." she shouted and waved.

she was still holding onto my hand as she showed me to her door.

"are you excited for your first night at my house?" she asked, going up the steps to her door.

"yeah, i can't wait to spend the day with you and your family." i told her.

she opened the door and we were immediately greeted by pepper.

"hi pepper!" i said, stroking him gently.

"hey mom!" billie yelled through the house.

"yes?" maggie said walking up to us.

"jolie is sleeping over tonight." she smiled, putting her arm around my waist.

"aw how lovely! do you guys want some food?" she offered

"i'm okay, i ate loads at the twins before." i answered.

"same here, thanks anyway." billie added.

billie took my hand and pulled me into her room. she connected her phone to her speaker and played some music.

"what do you wanna do then?" she asked, throwing herself onto her bed.

"oh don't make me choose, you know i can never choose what to do." i giggled as i sat next to her.

she lay down and opened her arms, indicating  me to lie next to her. which i did.

"well it's pretty late, so maybe you and i could just cuddle for a bit." she whispered into my ear.

"i like the sound of that." i whispered back, looking up to her face.

she ran her hand through my hair and i leaned my head into her chest. she shuffled of the blanket a bit and pulled it over us, she wrapped her arms around me and we lay there listening to the music that was slowly making me fall asleep.

"hey, jolie." billie said, waking me up a little.

"yeah? what's up?" i answered.

"the other night, when we stayed over at the twins..." she hesitated a little.

"um yeah? what about it?" i asked, looking up to her.

"well when you were sleeping, you started sleep talking." she told me.

"oh no. i've been told i sleep talk, fuck, i didn't say anything embarrassing did i?" i panicked.

"no, not at all." she shook her head.

"what did i say?"

she paused at my question for a few seconds.


"i don't know if i should tell you." she sighed.

"what? why?" i questioned.

"because, jolie it might upset you." it was like she struggled to tell me that, i put my hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

"bil, nothing can upset me right now i'm literally in my happy place." i smiled at her.

"um, okay" she looked into my eyes and then looked away.

"you were talking to your mom." she quickly said, playing with her fingers.

i saw how nervous she was to tell me that, i'm not gonna lie, but i knew i had been having dreams about my mom being here still. i just didn't know i had spoken to her.

"billie that doesn't upset me it's okay, i've had loads of dreams about her." i said while i lifted her head and looked at her.

"you sure?" she asked.

"yes i promise, did i say anything else?" i went back to cuddling her at this point.

"uh... yeah, but i don't know if you were talking about the same thing because it was a while after you talking to your mom, did you have another dream last night? or was anyone else in it?" she said.

"well yeah there were other people in it." i remembered that in my dream there was my whole family and billies. so who know what i said.

"why what did i say?" i asked.

"you just, uh- i cant really remember, you just moved up to me and cuddled me." she stuttered.

"i was probably dreaming about you at that point." i giggled.

"really?" she sounded surprised.

"yeah, why else wouldn't i? after all you are the girl of my dreams." i laughed and billie giggled.

"you're so adorable." she told me, leaning her head against mine again.

i looked up and pressed my lips against billies, almost instantly she kissed me back. we had our moment and after a while we chilled a bit and lay there in each other's arms, listening to the soft music playing in the background.

eventually, billie drifted off to sleep and i started to. although i did hear the door creak open and some muffled voices. i didn't look at whoever it was but i could hear them.

"i'll turn their music off for them." i heard a deep voice say. it sounded like finneas.

"look how cute they are!" i heard a woman's voice say, but it wasn't maggie. maybe it was claudia, billie mentioned her a few times before and told me she was finneas' girlfriend.

"she is definitely a million times happier ever since jolies been around her. i have noticed how her smiles have become more happier recently and her face lights up whenever i mention her." finneas said.

"you know, i think they were made to be." claudia said.

"yeah, i think they were." finneas said, walking out of the room and turning off the light.

butterflies erupted in my stomach when finneas said billies much happier recently. was it really because of me? i know that she has brightened up my life after the mess it became.

and just like that, all the thoughts of billie flying round in my head settled down. and i was asleep.

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