chapter 13

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Billies POV

i slowly blinked open my eyes and looked down at jolie who was lying against me, still sound asleep. without waking her, i manage to reach over to my phone. i notice that both the lights and my speaker had been turned off during the night, it was probably my mom.

i scrolled through instagram for a while and came to a stop on the bell twins recent post.
it was a picture we had all taken last night at the party, it was everyone in a huddle. my arm however was over jolies shoulder but then she had her hand on eli's shoulder. i double tapped and commented a 🤪 emoji. i read through some of the comments the fans had posted.
i stopped on a very specific one.

'are billie and jolie dating? look how billies got her arm around her! @wherearetheavocados @joliebay'

there was a ton of replies, most agreeing but some disagreeing.

i decided to ignore it, fans always assume things, it will pass over shortly.

i turned off my phone and looked at jolie, i admired her beauty as she slept. i ran my fingers through her blonde, silky hair, waking her a little.

"morning gorgeous." i said as she looked up.

"you must be joking, you're the only gorgeous one in the morning, i look like a potato." she laughed while she stretched.

"what?! no way! your beautiful." i told her.

she blushed at my compliments.

"you're blushing." i teased her.

"hey, did claudia stay over last night to?" she asked.

"uh i believe sooo... why?"

"i think they came in here last night to turn off the music and lights." she explained.

"oh, that makes sense now. were you asleep, did they wake you up?" i asked, standing up and grabbing a hair tie.

"no, i was kinda asleep but awake enough to hear what they were saying." she yawned.

"oh god. what did they say? it wasn't bad was it." i said while pulling my hair up into a bun and fixing it in the mirror.

jolie came up and hugged my waist from behind, she planted a small kiss on my neck and i tilted my head backwards onto her shoulder.

"finneas just said he's noticed how happy and brighter you seem recently." she smiled.

i turned around to face her.

"well yeah, look at who i have in my life now!" i giggled, i picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me and hugged my shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

we managed to make it into the kitchen, where finneas and claudia were sitting at the kitchen island. we came in laughing and giggling and smiling, i was still holding jolie.

"morning girls." finneas said, smiling at us having fun.

"you look like your having a great time." claudia laughed.

"yeah look at this, how pretty is she? tell her." i showed jolie off to them both, smiling the whole time.

"billie stop!" she giggled, hiding her face in my hoodie.

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