Good christian big tiddy man

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Maedi sighed heavily, it had been a long trip from her hometown Itty Bitty Tiddy Committee Central to the big city of Big Tiddy Men Utopia. Her loving and devoted mother, Big fucking dick chana yeehaw warned her about city life but maedi didn't bear any heed to her warnings  after all she got straight A's on all her aheago face exams! So she was ready. The bus had stopped. She arrived at her new cafe. She rustled through her pockets to find her keys and opened the doors. It was just as she had always imagined soft pink walls with screenshots of dio's gapping asshole pinned to each and every corner. A smile rose to her cheeks as she put her apron on and flipped the open sign.

Each minute maedi felt her nails scratching the counter as she checked the door to see if anybody would come in and she almost gave up  hope until a young man with pulsating boobies ran in.

Boobie man: *huffing for dear life will literally pass out on the stop this bitch is fucking dying*  ayo my g can I get one of them beef stews homie 🅱️lease I can't feel my bones
Maedi: *in shock from the pure sentient power of the mans godly boobies* brotato chip this is a cafe we don't sell beef stew  but I can get ya some of that nice ass coffee
Boobie man: *grasping for dear life* that'll do donkey that'll do,,,
                 -coffee drinking intermission-
Boobie man: thank you so much bro I literally would die without having something to drink or eat can I have ur name so I know who to pray to in the morning?
Maedi: *blushes from the acknowledgment that she is indeed god* I'm maedi the tiddy destroyer may I have ur's oh big tiddie man?
Tenya: *blushes from the tiddy acknowledgment* oh-h I'm Tenya,,,
                     -blushing intermission-  
Maedi and Tenya chatted throughout the whole day, tenya said he had school but he wished to stay for the day to help maedi out with her shop like the good boy he is and helped greet customers and bring them to their table he only had met this godly woman for a day but he already felt a warm feeling when he watched her aggressively brew coffee like a murder crushing up his/her victim to eat later.

Maedi's cheeks felt warm as she gave quick glances to Tenya's glistening breasts and to his red or blue eyes depending on if your pleb or not they sparkled so much she had to look away every few seconds from the burning sensation that was boiling up within her eyeballs. She really might've found someone from heaven huh. Who knew the Bible was right! She thought to herself Not me! That's for sure! :D After closing up shop she thanked Tenya for the help and gave him a hot coco as thanks. She told him to come by any time and that she enjoyed his company. She felt shy saying this but tenya's tiddies proofed up as validation and she felt relieved. Tenya looked fondly down at Maedi and exclaimed "hell ywah dog that'd be dope as hell my tiddies tingled every moment I was here." he and maedi blushed in unison. He shimmied to the door out of embarrassment and bid her farewell. She waved to the bodacious boobie man and smiled, today was a real epic gamer day. She was about to close up shop until she felt a veiny unknown hand stopped her.

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