Tasks (pt.2) | C. Diggory

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"I can't breathe," I said.

"Sorry, (y/n)! Did I tie it too tight?" Heather asked.

"No, no! The dress is fine, thanks. I'm just so nervous."

"Why are you nervous? It's Cedric. You guys are always together."

"I don't know," I sighed. She turned her back to me and I zipped up her dress. "This isn't us hanging out as friends. Its the yule ball as dates!"

"We've all been waiting for the two of you to get together for at least 3 years. You'll be fine."

"Wait a minute! What? Did you know he liked me back?"

"I didn't know, but I hoped."

I blushed and turned away to grab my necklace. Once I was completely ready I just stared at my reflection for an extra 5 minutes. I couldn't decide if everything was perfect yet or not. Heather had to force me to leave. As soon as I was out of the door, I saw Cedric. He was pacing in the common area. He heard the door close and looked at me. He stopped in his tracks and smiled. I couldn't help but blush and look away.

"Hey," I said. When I was just a few feet from him, he held out his hands. I reached to grab them.

"You look incredible."

"Thank you." I blushed even harder. "You look very handsome."

"Thanks. I wasn't sure about this when I opened the parcel from my father, but I think it's alright." He glanced to a clock on the wall. "We better get going. We have to do that dance thing."

"Right! I almost forgot that I'm going with a champion!"

Cedric rolled his eyes before we left


The dance was nearing its end. Many students had left already. The band began a slow song. I smiled up at Cedric as he pulled me to him. We swayed lazily. I admired the way the pretty lights reflected off of his blue eyes.

"Thank you for inviting me," I said.

"Thank you for saying yes. I had a really great time tonight."

"So did I."

After the song ended we decided to leave. He held my hand the entire way back to the common room. We chatted about things we saw at the dance and about the upcoming task. We had figured out that it had something to do with the black lake, but that was all the progress we had made so far.

He held the door open for me and closed it after we were both inside. I turned around to face him.

"I really like spending time just the two of us," Cedric said.

"I do, too. I was actually super nervous for tonight but I'm glad it went so well."

"Why were you nervous?" His gentle features contorted to a look of confusion.

"I don't know," I said, laughing lightly. "I just, um, really like you and I didn't want to mess things up."

His smile was sweet and genuine. "You didn't mess anything up. And you aren't going to. I really like you, too."

One of his hands raised to move a strand of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes. I felt like I couldn't breathe again and everything went into slow motion. His palm stayed against my cheek as he leaned closer. I let my eyes flutter shut. I met him half way to close the gap. His lips were softer than I had expected and the feeling was impossible for me to describe.

When he pulled away, my eyes stayed closed for a moment longer. He was already smiling at me when I opened them.

"Goodnight, (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night, Ced."


My eyes shot open and I took a deep, gasping breath. I could hear whooping cheers around me. I realized that I was in water. It was freezing. I wondered why I wasn't sinking. It took me a moment to understand everything.

"You're alright, (y/n/n)." Cedric reassured me. His face was close to mine. One of his strong arms was around me while the other paddled us through the water. My arms were tight around his neck. "You're okay."

We reached a dock and a few people helped us up onto the wooden platform. A towel was thrown around me. Cedric got a towel as well. I thought back to what had happened and remembered how I had gotten here.

"Bloody brilliant, Diggory!" someone yelled from behind me. People were talking rapidly. Others were just watching the water.

"You alright, (y/n)?" I looked up at Cedric. "You look like you're freezing. Here." He opened his arms and pulled me into him. He began rubbing small circles into my back. The warmth of the contact was amazing.

"Thanks," I finally said. "Are we the first ones?"

"Yeah, we are," he said. I couldn't see his smile, but I heard it.

"Well done. Made me being turned into a human pool toy worth it."

That made Cedric laugh heartily. He kissed the top of my head. I stayed in his arms as we watched and waited for the others. After Harry finally emerged, he was granted a first place tie with Cedric for bringing up both Ron and Fleur's sister. Cedric seemed slightly annoyed, but he didn't speak out. He knew that Harry had done well.

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