Life could make you want to pull out your hair.

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but Regina.

Life could make you want to pull out your hair, but you continue on anyway.

Regina blinked once, twice, thrice then she sighed rubbing her temples, annoyance slowly taking over her features. "So, you're telling me your also my mate but you just decided to deny our bond?" Jasper didn't respond at first. He just sat on the couch staring up at her.

"Why?" She finally decided to ask after about three minutes of absolute silence.

"I didn't think ya would want someone like me." She snorted at his words, rolling her eyes, her annoyance growing.

"Alright first thing first, if you are my mate I'm not dealing with any emo shit, I despise people who pity themselves. I won't be throwing you a pity party and you need to stop throwing your own."

Caius released a bark of laughter, Aro and Marcus both chuckling as Jasper sighed. "Caius said somethin' pretty similar there darlin'."

Regina turned to Caius with a grin, "On a scale of one to ten, how well did you handle this news?"

Caius shrugged, thoughtfully peering at his mate. "I had contemplated grinding him into dusk then scattering his pieces to the four corners of this earth." Regina hummed, walking over then plopping herself down on Caius's lap.

"That would be sup's sexy if you weren't talking about my mate and your soul brother Caius."

He just released a purr as she ran her hand through his hair. Jasper watching them silently, Bella had retreated to her room with Jane and Alec to let them have some privacy. Felix standing guard out in the forest, Aro and Marcus on the phone so they could gauge her reaction.

Jasper went stock still as she turned her gaze to look at him. "Are you and Alice divorced?" He smiled, it was small.

"Ain't no need to darlin' she got married to Jasper Hale over fifty years ago."

Regina hummed at him, nodding in understanding. "Well, you can be my mate then." His eyebrows went to his hairline at the way she phrased it. Like fate hadn't tied them together.

"Oh, don't give me that look, as far as I'm concerned you lost the right to call it fate's hand when you tried to resist the bond." His entire face fell at her words.

"Ill spend the rest of eternity apologizin' if I have to." Regina waved him off.

"Lets not go that far, I'll settle for the next millennium or so." Her voice was joking but he still took it seriously.

Suddenly kneeling in front of her with her hand in his hand. Kissing the back of it as he stared into her eyes. "As long as it takes." It was a promise, Regina blinked twice in shock.

Then she closed her eyes and nodded, deciding that hey, the hell not right? She was already tied to three vampires what's one more? Jasper can just go right on ahead and join the party. If she got any more mates she might just have to start slapping name tags on them.

"I've taken care of everything, I'm going to spend a day with Charlie, then Bella, then I will be home." An intake of breath on the other side of the phone followed her words.

"You've already handled everything?" Marcus asked, he was amazed that she had already taken care of all her affairs.

Regina hummed, "Well, I figured the quicker I got done the quicker I could get home." She shrugged, three purr's followed her words and she was soon crushed to Caius's chest.

"Italy is your home?" Regina frowned shaking her head.

"No." The purr's stopped but she continued before they could respond. "Home is a place where people care about you, home is my mom's house in Texas, surrounded by my siblings, home is here with Bella and Charlie, Home is wherever you are." The purr's started up once again and Jasper finally spoke, voice confused.

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