Chapter 1 - painful memories

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Laney was sitting at her desk smiling as she and her classmates listened to their English teacher read from a book, she had been having a good day What with the sun shining, and she and her friends were going out after school.

No one knew why it happened, but she then went from happy and calm and quiet to all hell broke loose.

She heard bombs exploding and gun shots being fired, the ceiling above her cane crashing down on her trapping her, her arm was crushed and taken off from a chunk of the ceiling.

She screamed and cried in pain, her other arm ripped open and a chair leg stabbed rate through her side, stuck in the floor.

Her good but ripped arm reached out for her friend who was just as trapped when another piece of the ceiling came crashing down crushing her arm and her hand.

(End of dream)

"AAHH!" Laney cried bolting up in a bed, in a new room she didn't remember, her mind went to panic mode quickly.

"Laney Laney Laney sweetie it's ok" Ariel said rushing into the room hugging her daughter.

"Hush Laney it's ok your safe your safe, we're fine" Sheldon said softly holding her one hand.

Laney started to settle down and she closed her eyes, holding onto her dads hand tightly and grabbing a fist pull of her moms nightshirt.

Ariel held her daughter lovingly in her arms soothing her by rocking her, as Sheldon only held her hand.

"Sweet little tiger don't say a word, momma is here and always will be, if you have a fright don't you fret, momma will come and save you from the dreams" Ariel sang softly. (I know it don't rhyme but I couldn't think of anything)

Laney started to doze off again and Ariel laid her down on her bed and moved some hair out of Laneys face.

"Sweet little tiger please don't fret, momma is here don't you forget, momma will protect you always, sweet little tiger please sleep with ease" Ariel sighed quietly leaving their daughters room.


"Sheldon we have to say something" Ariel said.

"No!, I will not stress her out, she doesn't need to know rate now and hopefully never, please Ariel" Sheldon looked at his wife with pleading eyes sipping his coffee.

"Sigh....alright fine, but if she figures it out we tell her" Ariel said.

"Deal" Sheldon said and heard Laney coming down the stairs.

Laney came into the kitchen. With a lacy ice blue top on and tight pair of black capris and black flats on.

Ariel poured out some cereal and Laney sat down and when her breakfast sat in front of her she started to eat.

"So new school maybe you'll make some new friends" Sheldon said.

"Dad Kelly and Dan are my only friends" she said.

"Honey its a new start, will you try to make some new friends please?" Ariel asked.

"Ok ok I'll try" Laney sighed and ate quietly.

Laney got her school bag ready and walked down the sidewalk to go to school, she watched all the cars and people that passed her.

Laney made it to the school and sighed, sitting on the grass since she had time to kill before school started.

She thought back to that day, remembering very little, she could remember everything up to the point when the ceiling fell on her ripped up arm when she held Kelly's hand.

After that everything was black, she couldn't remember, but she did hear voices at some point, but she couldn't see anything then it went quiet again.

"I have to ask mom or dad later about it" Laney said aloud.

Looking around she saw teens coming down the streets and getting out of cars and off buses.

She looked over and saw a boy on a bike a young boy get out of a yellow and black car and a girl came out of a green hummer.

Laney watched them closely but looked away wishing her friends were there, she missed her two crime fighters.

She took out her phone and sent them both a text, mentally telling herself she'd be surprised they'd text back.

'OMG LANEY! I thought you were dead gosh girl it's been so long' Kelly texted.

'Huh? What do you mean Kel? I don't understand' Laney replied.

'Dan agrees with me when I say this it isn't our place to say, ask your mom girl ok then text back we'll be here' Kelly said.

"Dude Seriously!? I don't believe it" she said staring at her phone angrily.

The three heard her and watched her plop on the grass and heard her loudly complain about two people.

Jack walked over and cleared his throat gaining her attention, she saw the boy and sat up she held her bag handle.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Just wondering if your ok? We heard you kinda lash out at your phone" Jack said holding his hands up.

".......sure if you don't remember anything fine then I'm peachy" Laney frowned standing up, putting her bag on her shoulder.

"Ok?....not sure I understand but if you don't want to talk about it it's cool" Jack said backing up.

".....not really thanks man, see ya" she closed her eyes and walked into the school.

Miko and Raf came over to their friend the three of them shared a look, Jack shrugged and walked into the building.

Laney was talking the principal who gave her a slip of paper and a schedule, Laney nodded her thanks and walked off.

Finding her locker she opened it and only took her books she needed, deciding to decorate her locker later.

(Time skip)

Miko Jack and Raf stood outside, talking before heading to base, they saw Laney come out and hold her arm close to her.

She saw the three watching her and she cursed knowing she had to pass them, her phone went off and she saw she had a text.

'Hey girl just checking in to see how you are doing, how was school?' Kelly asked.

'Boring, made no friends plus I did my best trying not to make any, and my body still feels weird like something isn't right with it' Laney said.

' to someone make a new friend already, I'm telling you friends are good to have' Kelly said.

'Fiiiiine' Laney replied and put her phone away.

Laney walked over to the group of three and tripped over her own feet, Jack caught her and made sure she didnt fall.

Laney looked up at him and frowned quickly standing up and pushing him back a bit, holding her bag handle tightly.

"............I guess I should thank you....not that I want to but I was raised to be a better person" Laney sighed closing her eyes "thank you".

"No problem....can I ask you a question?" Jack asked.

"What?" She asked.

"I never got your name" he blushed.

"Laney Nicks" Laney said.

"Nice name...I'm Jack Darby" Jack said.

"Hi I'm Miko Nakadai" the girl waved.

"My names Rafael Esquivel" Raf smiled.

"Pleasure I'm sure, if you'll excuse me I have to get home.....I.....don't like being outside a lot without my parents" Laney frowned dashing home.

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