My Human (Starscream x Reader) Part 4

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Here it is the long awaited chapter is now Here! Fasten you seatbelts and hold on tight I hope your ready let's begin!!

2 months have passed it feels like an eternity your birthday. was today you were now (y/a) [means your age] you are celebrating it on the nemesis with the other cons but you noticed that your very good seeker friend was missing you sighed and frowned.

After the party you went to starscream quarters seeing him inside you quirked a eyebrow. "Um.... Star?" As you said his name you made him jump slightly. "Oh (y/n) your here is the party over already?" You crossed your arms frowning as you gave starscream a look of disapproval telling him you were upset that he wasn't at your party. "Well you would know if you were there star but you weren't..." you huffed looking away. Starscream smile faded as he felt bad for missing your party but he was planning something big for you...

"Look (y/n) I'm sorry for missing your party..but I'm gonna make it up to you.." You turned to look at your mech friend. "Ok starscream like what?" Starscream lowered himself placing his servo on the ground. "Come with me and I'll show you.." He smiled lightly he didn't smile much it was nice to see him smile. With that you huff and hop on his servo he got up and started to walk to the flight deck of the nemesis. "Are you ready (y/n)?" You look at him "ready for what?" He smirked. "For this!" Before you had time to process he had transformed into his jet form with you sitting in the cockpit. "I thought I would take you for your first flight..I wanna take you somewhere for your birthday if that's ok..." all you could do was tear up scream had really never been open to flying you around but you felt that he was comfortable doing this with you. "Wow thanks lead on..." Starscream chuckled. "You may want to buckle up (y/n) it's gonna get pretty fast here in a click.." And before you could say anything Starscream was off as he did loops and barrel rolls causing you to almost heave. "Star...c-could You calm down with the stunts please.." you felt like your were gonna heave "Oh sorry (y/n) I'm just a little excited...but we are almost there..".

Sooner than you knew it you felt starscream slowing down as he transformed landing on the ground near a cliffside. "Well here we are (y/n)..." You look around. "Um...wheres here screamer?" Before you realize star turned your head with one of his digits seeing the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen. "Wooooow...." he smiled seeing your reaction "I knew you would love it...I'm always seeing watching the sunsets from the bridge so I thought outside the nemesis would be a upgrade." You sit on stars shoulder admiring the veiw as you leaned slightly aginst his head. Starscream watched you suddenly images from 3 months ago poped in his memory as a look of fear and sadness was plastered on his face.

"Scream? Are you ok?" You looked at him with a confused look. "O-of course... I'm fine (y/n)" something told you he wasn't fine as he usally never stutters "Scream there's something usally don't stutter is something wrong?" He sighed as he wouldn't win this fight. "You remember 3 months ago right?" You looked at him "it's a blurr but yeah kinda.." he sighed once more. "I've been recently having nightmares and visions of what happened in the mines...I..I really did think you were going to die..." Starscream chocked back a sob. "Scream I'm fine now there's no need to worry I promise no matter what I'll never leave you.." You stood up and lightly kissed his cheek he blushed ever so lightly.

"Thank you (y/n)..." He smiled holding you close to his face. " you think we should head back before Megatron gets mad that were gone for to long..." Starscream nodded as he just wanted to be alone in your company just a little while longer.

Little did the two know is they were being watched by a certain bot. "Arcee to base I've found Starscream on my patrol he has a human with him should I engage...."

Cliffhanger there will be a part five I hope y'all loved it am much as I lived writing this. It's been a while since I've written anything in a while so feel free to comment and art that stuff you lovely people do I will start working on part 5 right away. If ya have any request feel free to drop them :)

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