8: Creatures of the Gorge

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The handcuffs tore at my wrists. Each step I took on the rocky path scuffed my once pristine shoes. A soldier walking beside me peeked from below his hood at my feet.

"Nice fancy boots," he said motioning to my sneakers with his white staff. "Do all Mirrorbenders wear them?"

"I guess so," I said awkwardly knowing an explanation of a shoe store clearance rack might not do any good. I doubted such things existed in Tartarus. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause I'd really like to have them." I looked at the man's feet. He wore old faded white hides wrapped in cruel leather straps.

"They won't even fit you," I responded noticing his large feet

"It's for my daughter," he replied. "She'd be about your size."

"I'm using them so no." The soldier raised a part of his hood revealing his tiny eyes. His smooth cheeks tensed into a smile.

"The name is Heist. What might yours be, Mirrorbender?"

"Are you seriously trying to be friends with me?" I looked forward at Xuxa leading the way then back at the soldier. "I don't think you realize this, but I'm handcuffed. Your prisoner?"

"So," he shrugged. "It's a long walk to Blackstone. Might as well get acquainted along the way. I mean I didn't believe people like you existed." He looked me up and down. "I figured Mirrorbenders were bigger. Legend always tells them to be mighty and powerful and ferocious."

"Well legends are sometimes misleading."

"What about the prophecy? It says you are going to destroy us."

My worry and anxiety took control of my senses. I did not want to be reminded of my fate. I responded woefully.

"Yeah, so I've heard."

Owen looked over his shoulder at us. An angry and confused glare filled his eyes.

"You two can't seriously be trying to connect. Hope, that man is a Juprus soldier. He has no interest in your well being."

"So your name is Hope," said Heist leaning over. "A lovely name. My daughter's name is Serenity."

"A lovely name as well," I responded. Owen rolled his eyes and turned away.

"I can't believe you people," he muttered under his breath.

"So Heist, what is going to happen to us?"

"Probably gonna lock you up. You're not the most popular of sorts. Though to be honest I don't see you much as a threat."

"Thanks," I said. "Very assuring."

Black pebbles crunched beneath our feet as we traveled down a steep narrow slope carved into the rock. It was a sharp drop down if your footing happened to give way and your balance lost. I imagined tumbling and succumbing to an endless fall into the dark gorge. We walked and walked down deeper into the gorge with no city in sight. A group of giant vultures circled above. Our weary caravan sank further and further from the blue sky.

"We must be getting there soon," I said scooting carefully beside a large boulder.

"At the bottom of the gorge we follow the river until we reach around the point." Heist pointed to a giant ledge. "You should start to see Blackstone soon."

The base of the gorge was almost night if not for the glowing sky far above our heads. Little light leaked into the abyss leading me to wonder what creatures lurked in this dark place. All the soldiers banged their staffs on the rocks causing the tips to light up a warm orange glow. The ground here was soft. I could hear the trickling of water from a nearby river or stream.

"The water is low today," whispered Heist. "Should be easy walking from here on out."

"Zeno," I said glancing at the water running along the bank. The tailor had been unnaturally quiet this whole trip. Usually he never stopped talking. "You doing ok?"

"As well as a hat in sunshine," he said from behind.

"At least you are positive," I said.

"There is no reason to be negative if your situation doesn't call for it."

"I wish I had your optimism."

"Truly, Hope, whatever fate befalls us ahead, it has been an honor to call you friend."

The soldier next to Zeno shoved him with his staff.

"Hush your mouth, Sevanter," he said. "We are approaching the Mabada's hunting grounds."

Heist leaned in and whispered.

"Yeah, it's best we stay quiet until we reach the light. The Mabada's can't see and their sense of smell isn't too good, but they can hear extremely well. We have to approach with caution."

"What is a Mabada?"

"Shhh," said Owen. Everyone fell unnervingly silent. Even Xuxa raised her hand for her army to stop walking. We all stood still glaring into the darkness.

A loud clicking and knocking filled the air around us. My nerves pulsed with fear. I strained my eyes to see what could be making the sound. I held back a gasp as the creatures entered our dim light.

The Mabada took the form of large gangly creatures with big glazed eyes and long fingers and toes. They used these long appendages like stilts to move about the wet clay piercing it gently so as to make the smallest amount of noise or disturbance. I shook my head horrified by the sight of these unnatural creatures.

From their small mouths a clicking sound broke the darkness. As bats would do to find a moth, I figured they used echo location to get around. A small lizard escaped from under a rock and rushed to the stream. The sound alerted the Mabadas. They surged to the source; the quickest one's mouth expanding to rows of sharp teeth landing on the sand consuming the poor helpless lizard in one violent chomp. I turned away unable to take any more of this nightmarish beast. Then as quickly as they came, the Mabadas left. Their clicking and knocking growing faint behind us.

"Alright," whispered Xuxa. "We should be good. Onward men."

"That was terrifying," I said to Heist.

"Tell me about it." A chill ran over his body. "I've seen them countless times but they still creep me out."

"Do they ever leave the gorge?"

"No," he said. "They shrivel to dust if they touch any natural light. Their thin skin is not accustomed to it. I've seen it once when a group of them were chasing us. One followed me into the light and it caught fire instantly. I'll never forget the scream."

"Are there more terrifying things like that in Tartarus?"

"Oh yes," said Owen glancing over his shoulder. "And not all of them are beasts."

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