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When Maddox said that we'd break in the new bed, watching Netflix and cuddling wasn't what I had in mind at all

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When Maddox said that we'd break in the new bed, watching Netflix and cuddling wasn't what I had in mind at all. He doesn't notice my pouting as he focuses on the movie playing on the tv. I wiggle out from his grip and ruffle around in my bag that's laying on the floor on my side of the bed.

My eyes widen at the clothes in it. I would have thought that I'd gotten the wrong suitcase if I had actually traveled with someone else, and the note on the top from Lexi helps to clear up the confusion as well.

"Hey girl, use these wisely and have fun, but not too much fun ;)"

My eyes widen at the amount of lace on the top of the case, mixed in with square, golden wrappers. I pick one up and read the label, being sure to hide it from Maddox who is still completely amused with his movie.

Someone is trying to get me laid, and I appreciate the help because for once, Maddox isn't completely all over me. I push back the negative thoughts in my head, not allowing myself to back out of this.

I wrap the pink lace set that I have in a t-shirt so as to hide it from Maddox's sight and walk to the bathroom. Turning on the tap, I allow the water to run as I strip my clothes off. Thank god Lexi made me go with her to get waxed last week, she was really prepared even though I had no clue what was going on.

Sliding the lace set on my body, which includes a pair of stockings that come up to just above my knee, I place my hands on my hips, looking at myself in the mirror. Trying to calm my quickly beating heart, I take a few deep breaths. "Baby, you okay?" I hear Maddox call from the bed and I steel my nerves, silently telling myself that I can go through with this and that Maddox will like it. I don't allow the anxiety to manifest anymore and I throw the door open.

Maddox is back to looking at the television and glances over at me when I step out. My lack of clothing doesn't register immediately, and only when his gaze returns to the tv again do his eyes widen. He sits up in bed and stares at me in shock as I walk slowly to the bed.

"What's this, Princess?" He says cautiously and I grin. I have never heard Maddox sound nervous before, and I have a feeling that this doesn't happen often, if ever. I stop at the foot of the bed and place a knee onto it before climbing on slowly.

"A long time coming is what this is, wouldn't you agree?" I let my desire take over my voice and it ends up coming out sultry, or at least I hope so. Whatever I'm doing seems to be working as Maddox is shifting uncomfortably and his eyes have grown darker.

He gulps but doesn't reply. My body hovers over Maddox's as I crawl up towards his body, planting my bum to sit down on his lap and I straddle his hips. His hands immediately go to cup my cheeks and give them a firm squeeze which draws a moan out of my mouth.

"Fuck baby. Best gift ever". He says before pulling me in to press his lips to mine. My body rolls against his, my hips tilting back to grind against his growing length. We break  our lips apart for a moment to sit up and tear his shirt off over his head, Maddox tossing it aside to who knows where before joining our lips again. I eagerly trail my hands over his inked muscles, lowering them slowly and dragging my nails down the way I know he likes.

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