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A small gasp escaped my mouth. All the power; gone. It seemed almost like a dream. I pinched myself. Nope, not a dream.
I hopped onto the staircase and flung myself into my room.
"Bradon!" I'd scream.
He turned to me. "What the hell?!"
"The power, everything's out!"
"I just saw it."
"Everything in the city is out!" I'd continue, tears welling up in my eyes.
"I-I don't wanna die yet.." I'd say more silently, but enough for him to hear me. I shook violently, fear controlling my entire body. Brandon walked up to me, hushing me calmly. Whispering small words of encouragement to me to feel better, but it didn't work.
"You aren't going to die."
Brandon reached down into his back pocket, pulling out a small handgun. I gasped.
"Where did you get that?" I said, shocked.
"Dad always was getting things he shouldn't of. At least he came in handy today." Brandon flipped the gun in his hand.
"Dad's so gonna kill you...."
"He can't kill me if he's dead." Brandon pointed out. I nodded slowly. "You're right." I said.
Brandon looked around. "This is like the purge, I swear. Everyones gonna eventually die one way or another. You just gotta be smart about this." He said to me.
At that moment, a door could be heard being broke down. Yelling following it, and a gunshot ending it.
"Was that the Pointer family..?" I whispered to him. All I could see on Brandons now flushed face was horror blazing in his eyes.
"Yes... we gotta leave...now.." He shook his head, grabbing ahold of my wrist. He dragged me to my bedroom, and pointed at the window.
"Show me how you go to that "secret" place!" He yelled at me. I get myself free of his grasp, and then I ran to the window. I hopped down to the platform that held the stairs, and I climbed up. Brandon followed quickly after me, and we both made it up to the roof. The wind was howling as loud as ever. He looked around at the city.
Everything dark.
Brandon loaded dads gun, aiming it at the small stairwell if anybody dared to climb up it. I heard the door being broken down. I glanced over at Brandon. He looked ready for whatever was about to happen.

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