Chapter 3

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When we reached our first class everyone was already in there, we awkwardly knocked on the door and the teacher turned to face us. I felt relief as he welcomed us with a smile, he seemed friendly. We were motioned in and stood at the front of the class.

"And who do we have here?" said the teacher cheerfully, encouraging us to introduce ourselves.

"Uhh I'm Zayd this is Zyon we're twins" said our brother.

"Annnd I'm Gert and this is my sister Dakota and we are also twins." I thanked Gert through our mer mind-link, I really did not want to say anything in front of a crowd of people. We walked through the classroom sitting in the spare seats, my siblings sat down, and I was left with the last seat that was empty. I looked at the student sitting behind it and my heart began to ache. It was him, the captain of the football team, hottest guy in the school. I pulled myself from my thoughts and made it looks as if I didn't even notice he was there, I sat down and kept my head to the front of the class. I couldn't concentrate, it felt as if he was staring at me from behind. His scent was charming, it spelt like fresh pine and mint. I mind-linked Gert and asked if he was staring at me, she sat in the back row, overlooking everything.

-omg Dakota he is totally checking you out! -

-what! Omg is he actually? He's kinda hot-

-ikr! He totally is-

The boys must've tuned into our mind-link because they were now both death staring at the guy behind me.

-that's a little intense to be classified as 'checking her out'- Zyon

-yeah I guess it is, huh- Gert

-I don't like that look Dakota, it's like he's looking at your every move, stay away from him ok?- Zayd

The bell rang, dismissing class and everyone scattered out of the class into the hallway. Second period went by, luckily Gert was in my class, but the mysteriously cute guy and the twins weren't. The lunch bell rang, and we made our way to the cafeteria, I had lost Gert in the crowd of people but decided to keep making my way and meet her there. I was small, so I couldn't see over anyone's heads, all of a sudden, a guy came running into me, I yelped a little, not that it hurt, he just gave me a fright. As soon as I yelped I heard a low growl coming from behind me, it could only be heard with my super hearing. The guy that bumped into me immediately apologised and kept his head down... werewolves. I turned around to see who growled and to my surprise it was the hot guy, I pretended to be looking behind him, I didn't want him to know I heard the growl. If he's the one that growled, that means...he's a w-w-werewolf. I began to panic, I was getting scared. I was getting emotional. I immediately heard rain and gusts of wind coming from outside.

-Dakota!? Are you okay- Xavier

-w-werewolf- me

I could barely get the mind link out to Xavier, that word alone ran shivers up my spine. I reached the cafeteria and Xavier was there waiting for me, he looked worried.

"Xavier" I said catching his attention.

"Dakota!" He said immediately giving me a hug before holding me at arm's length. I felt the eyes staring at me again, followed by another growl.

"I thought something happened!" He said worriedly, eyeing off the werewolf


I said through mind link. I didn't want him to know I heard him growl. We acted casual and went and sat over with Gert, Zyon, and Zayd.

"Was that you?" Asked Zayd.

"The rain and the wind I mean"

"Yeah" I said looking down, I was kind of ashamed that I couldn't control my power. Gert lifted my chin up.

"Hey, your powers are a gift, you should never be ashamed" She knew just how I felt.

"What happened?" Asked Zyon.

"Werewolf." Said Xavier.

"What who!?" Asked Zayd.

"That guy." Said Xavier pointing to the so-called football captain. I looked over to see the blonde girl from earlier sitting on his lap. My heart dropped, but I didn't know why, it's not like I know him or anything, he probably didn't even know me.

"What! The guy that was checking you out!?" Asked Gert.

"He was what!?" Said Xavier looking at me protectively.

"He wasn't Xavier! Don't worry about it, we have to keep a low profile." I said persuasively.

"Yeah that and he wasn't exactly checking her out." Said Zyon.

"What do you mean?" Asked Xavier.

"It was more of an intense stare, I don't know but something smelt fishy." Said Zayd.

The rest of the day flew by and before we knew it we were home. Day one complete!

*hey guys! I know this chapter was kinda long, but I managed to split it into two! If you guys like short ones tell me, I guess? Idk I just have so many ideas that I wanna include in it!*

Again wtf, please ignore if i keep saying the short chapter shit.

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