Chapter 11

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We arrived at the pack house, Ryan was frantically pacing the car park. Gert got out and he immediately was relieved.

"Where were you guys?!" He questioned.

"Sorry, we need some clothes, so Alex said he'd take us back to our place." She replied, giving him a hug.

"Oh, thank god. I thought something happened. Hey thanks Alex for taking them." Said Ryan as they walked away. I turned around to face Alex and sighed.

"Well, it's safe to say, Gert's mate is a lot nicer than yours." He said with a sympathetic face. We were interrupted by an angry voice.

"What the hell Alex! Where did you take her!? Don't you remember what I said! Stay away from her okay!?" He said going to give me a hug. I pushed him away.

"You know what Chase. No! Alex, he's my friend. And if you don't like it you can go away! And- and where were you, huh, where were you this morning when I woke up alone!?" I spat back.

"I-I had a meeting to go to..." He replied.

"What? A meeting where you bang your so called 'Ex-Girlfriend' because I was too weak for you!?" I yelled. I walked past him, barging him with my shoulder. I mind linked Gert straight away.


It was our code word. Whenever we heard that we stopped what we were doing and found each other. She met me in the elevator to where we went to the eighth floor and found an empty guest bedroom. The whole way here I explained the argument I just had with chase.

I unpacked my bag and made the guest bedroom my home. Gert said she'd sleep with me tonight and as long as I stayed here. It was 10pm so we got ready for bed. I couldn't get over the ache in my heart, no matter how mad or angry I got it didn't stop. The lightning outside lit my room up and I knew the waves would be huge. I pitied Holloway kingdom. I didn't want my parents to worry. I knew there would be some damage to the forest tomorrow. All my thoughts were running wild. They continued until I eventually I drifted asleep.

I woke up to the scent of blueberry pancakes. The one human food I had tried in the ocean before. My eyes flickered open and Gert sat on the end of the bed holding a plate of the delicious pancakes.

"Figured you didn't want to run into Chase today?" She said handing me the pancakes.

"You're the best sister ever." I said before devouring my pancakes. Once I was done I checked the time. 10:30!

"I slept in!" I said.

"Yes, you did!" Replied Gert.

"We better get going!" I said placing my plate down and getting dressed. I looked over to Gert who was looking out the window astounded.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You might want to come look at this." She said motioning me over. I looked out the window. Eyes wide, jaw dropped. There were puddles of water everywhere. Trees had fallen over. Branches snapped. Even some broken furniture. The majority of the ground was flooded.

"I mean, it was kinda Chase's fault." Said Gert before shrugging and letting out a little laugh. We headed downstairs to meet up with Alex.

"Don't tell me you did that!?" He said immediately. I nodded, amazed myself. It was the biggest storm I ever brewed up.

"That's what he gets." Said Alex shrugging his shoulders. We followed him down the hallway of the sixth floor and found Pauls office. Gert did her thing with the hair clip and got us in the room. We locked it behind us and pulled the curtains shut. Alex went to the computer and me and Gert stared from behind him. He didn't have any paper files in the room. We found a folder on sirens and downloaded it onto a USB. Alex logged out and we left in a hurry, after returning his office to exactly how we found it. We decided to go help with the damage outside, so we locked the USB in my room and went outside. We passed Emma who immediately put her head down and looked away. Alex went to clean up the branches, Gert went to bin all the broken furniture and I went to the forest. I passed many pack members who all bowed but thankfully, greeted me by Dakota instead of Luna. The entry to the forest was blocked by a fallen tree. So, I looked around to make sure no one was looking, and used my super strength to put it back in the ground. I started filling the hole and covering the roots with dirt.

"Look Dakota, I'm sorry okay? I should have never gotten mad at Alex, you can be friend with whoever you want, and I shouldn't have a say in it. But more importantly, I'm sorry- I'm sorry I slept with Emma. Okay? It's never going to happen again. You don't make me weak, you make me the strongest I can possibly be, I really am sorry. I'll do anything to prove to you I'm sorry, I cant, I cant be without you. Okay my heart aches." He said sorrowfully. I just carried on with the tree.

"Dakota please say something." He added.

"Dakot-Shit! Get inside now!" I turned around suddenly worried.

"Now!" He yelled. I ran, as fast I could. Along with everyone. I couldn't find Gert. I reach the house and ran inside. Two guards were by my side immediately.

"Luna! Are you okay!?" They asked.

"Im fine, whats happening?" I said urgently.

"The biggest rogue pack in the world are attacking." They said frantically.

"What! Why now?" I asked.

"Because...Because this pack has a Luna now. Something they don't have, Luna- Dakota...they want you. There here for you." He said. I looked out the window and stared helplessly, overlooking the battle field. Watching as the rogues over took the land. We weren't strong enough.

"Find my sister." I said.

"Luna we can not leave you alone-" I cut him off.

"Find my sister! That's an order!" I said, and with that. They left. The rogues attacked the pack. Defeating us one by one. I watched till there was only three people left standing. Ryan, Jacob... and Chase. I couldn't keep watching. I only had one choice. To expose myself.

*hehe bit of a cliff hanger lol don't have anything else to say, hope you liked it! J*

See WHY IS THERE A J wth I was so weird.

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