the best of me pt. 2

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Few weeks had passed since the last time Jimin and Jungkook had properly talked to each other; acted like nothing had ever happened. It was during a press-conference for their upcoming comeback w/ Love Yourself: Her. The two never had a normal conversation ever since the studio incident, be it at the dorm, in photoshoots, in dance practices, etc. They would only talk if professionalism is required, like when Bang Si Hyuk calls for meetings or when cameras are involved.

Jungkook is right. They've really become complete strangers off-cam. Though it's very hard for him, considering they're bandmates and are living under the same roof for seven years now, he has to pretend that he's okay. That nothing's wrong, for his hyungs' sake and for the band's sake. Of course, he is completely heartbroken. Who would not be, right? But in spite of that, he can't stop himself from reminiscing those moments where he and Jimin were still very very close; even though he's hurting at the same time.

How can he forget about those beautiful memories? Memories when they were always teased by the other members of how they were practically glued to each other, the bickering moments, the cuddling moments, and the late nights sneaking outside just to eat jjajangmyeon at the restaurant near their dorm whose owner was very kind to still accomodate them even if it was already the closing time.

And all Jungkook can only do now is just bitterly smile at his reflection on the mirror while the stylists are doing their work on him.

"You okay, Kook-ah?" Says the stylist noona while she's finalizing Jungkook's look for another interview w/ Mnet. Jungkook just lazily nods as an answer, closing his eyes to steady his breathing. He's just so exhausted; physically, mentally and emotionally. Am I really okay?

Meanwhile, the other members are all ready, waiting at the other side of the room. Some are killing time by playing games on their phones, and browsing. The others, (Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook) choose to just take a nap for awhile, while waiting for their cue.

At the other side of the room, still browsing on his phone, Jimin is busy watching clips of adorable cats and dogs on Youtube, when he hears the stylists talking. It is never his habit to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation but this one catches his ears. They're talking about Jungkook.

"I'm really worried about Jungkook. Something is clearly bothering him."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen his eyes? It's like they're dying. They look very exhausted to me." Jimin furrows his eyebrows at this. But, it does bother him actually. He can see it, too. Unknowingly, his eyes fall to where Jungkook is as the latter's eyes are still closed. Ever since the studio incident, it's been bothering Jimin like hell. When he saw Jungkook's dead eyes that day, they didn't fail to pierce through his heart. And after Jungkook came back home the next morning, Jungkook never looked at him again like he used to, except when cameras were involved. Thoughts of talking to the younger came across his mind a few times, because he's really worried that Jungkook might come back to his old self again, who used to never talk to anyone; a complete introvert. But then, he remembers right away that he's not in the place to interfere in Jungkook's life. After all, they're just bandmates. He doesn't have the right. That's what he thought.

"Jimin, can I talk to you? Just the two of us?" Jimin is not aware that his eyes are practically glued on the sleeping Jungkook all this time, until a hand touches his shoulders. It made him tense up.

"Oh God, Jin hyung! You startled me." Jimin's hand flies across his chest right away to calm his breathing down because he's really startled. He was in very deep thoughts tho.

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