Important!!!!!!!! About the hunt and its benefits

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A chapter is called a scene, so don't get confused if the chapter you give has many scenes.

Hello everyone, and welcome,

To the hunt.

*gives a bow*

This hunt was inspired by Haadiiiyah and her own awesome hunt 'The sentence Hunt', it will involve hunting for something in a particular chapter. while thirty or so people are rooting around in your book to answer a question your reads will be increasing, if you already have lots of reads this hunt will be a fun thing to do while on wattpad.

What are we even here to hunt?

(The headings from here on out signify the things to be hunted)

First, since we are the wild hunt we won't hunt only a single thing, it's going to be a drawn-out hunt. The first to complete all the hunts will obviously be the winner, but I made it drawn out so those with different time zones can catch up.

The first thing we will hunt is an answer.

The Question

A question will be asked and a chapter will be given where the answer can be found. It's going to be  simple questions like 'what color of the dress was she wearing?', 'who was he talking to before he left?' , 'is she still in love with him?'.

Those are the examples of questions that will be asked when filling the form.

A person will give a chapter, from that one chapter (any one chapter in the book) he will ask a question whose answer can be found in that particular chapter, or scene, as I'm calling it.

You only get one try, you answer the question in PM's to my account FreedCommunity so that no one cheats and just copies the answer in comments.

After you have sent me your answer, you come here to the hunt book and go to the contestant chapter and comment in line to that person's name like this


You will send me the answer to your own question first after you apply here so I can use your answer to judge theirs.

In the 'contestants' page, I will number them, try do it in order and when submitting your answers, no need for a long text, just give the person's number and answer the question.

Number 5.
The answer is- He was talking to Rachel.
Themes:(read on)

No need to give the question again.

The Quote

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for 'the quote', a catchphrase that just stands out in that chapter.

It will be different for everyone, but if your quote is cool enough several people can pick it out.  When picking the quote, make it an inline on that paragraph and say #gotmaquote, please be honest, don't pick a quote because others picked it, find your own, if its similar to someone else' that's fine. but please do the work.

The Quote Master, is the person whose chapter's quote was noticed by a lot of people. Like, that quote was so awesome a lot of people noticed it was.

  You can't identify it in any way in your specified chapter, you have to leave it to fate.

(If a Person starts a chapter with an obvious quote pick one inside the chapter)


Best kiss

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for the kiss.
If the scene had a kiss rate it from 1 to 10, after everyone has rated I will calculate the totals and the winner of best kiss in a single scene will be announced.

Best Emotional portrayal (best emotion)

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for the best emotional scene.
If the scene has emotions of any kind, be it joy, sadness, fear, anger, hope, emotional pain, anguish, etc. And it very well portrayed, Rate it from 1 to 10 and after the totals have been had I will announce best Emotion in a single scene.

Most intense scene

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for the most intense scene.
Is the scene as a whole packed full of intensity and thrill, is it so intense you are sitting at the edge of your seats? Grade it from 1 to 10, totals will be added and the winner of the Most Intense scene in the hunt, will be announced.

Best Male and Female Characters.

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for the best male and female characters in a single scene. Does that scene have an awesome character? Male or Female? Give their names and rate them, from 1 to 10.

Best humor

While you're reading and searching for an answer,  in that chapter keep an eye out for best humor in a single scene. if the scene is very funny or at least makes you smile stupidly rate it from 1 to 10.

Best romance

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for best romance in a single scene. When I mean romance I don't want a sex scene. And I don't want a smutty scene, I want a romantic gesture, or a date, a first meeting between future lovers, I want a cute scene packed full of love. If you see a scene like that during your hunt rate it from 1 to 10

Best description

While you're reading and searching for an answer, in that chapter keep an eye out for Best description of a scene, I don't mean an over the top 500 word description of a person, or thing, I want to know if the scene is detailed enough for a reader to be able to visualize it very well.

Best scene

The scene with the most wins, that is the scene with the highest score over all gets crowned Scene Master.  When all totals have been added, the highest scorer gets crowned.

Best Hunter

When all the above mentioned hunts have been completed, the first to finish the hunt will be crowned over all, as the Master of the hunt. This first person will have to have the most questions correctly answered.

This hunt begins when the first person applies and it ends when the last person completes the hunt unless he/she can't finish for any reason.

This means that when I start listing the contestants on the contestants page everyone participating will hurry and start the hunt.

The wild hunt is patient, they stalk through the  night, searching for quotes and answering questions.

Are you ready to be hunted?

Are you ready to hunt?

The hunt of a lifetime is coming.

The Wild Scene Hunt (Open)Where stories live. Discover now