CHAPTER 1: Roseanne

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'First Sunday at the new building, gotta make a good impression.' You were in the middle of setting up when you turn your head to see Jisoo coming towards you. "Y/N! Can you spare a sec?"

"I can always spare a second for you, shorty. What's up?"

"Yah! Cut that out, you tree!" she glares at you and you attempt to stifle a laugh. "As I was saying before your tall butt insulted me for the millionth time, can you help me out with the kids when you're done? Jackson is running late," You were still setting a few things up as she was talking to you, plugging in the last few cables to get everything running smoothly. You had to think about it for a second because some of the kids only understood Korean... or very little English and you had only started trying to learn Korean around five or so months ago. "I know what you're thinking, and it'll be fine. I'll look after the infants, you can look after the older kids. It'll just be for about twenty minutes until he gets here. Please?"

You finish up and look up to see her pouting. "You do know that I can't say no to that face, don't you?" You sigh in defeat. You've always been good with kids, but you were always a little reluctant because of the language barrier.

"Yes! 최고야! (You're the best!)"

"알아, 알아, (I know, I know.)"

"See, you're becoming a natural Korean already. Your pronunciation is near flawless! Alright, let's get going!" Jisoo drags you away to the kids' room, passing by Lisa and Jennie. They give you a bit of a funny look, and you just look at them pleadingly, mouthing 'help!'. But of course, what did they do? Laugh and wish you luck. Moments have passed and the kids are behaving, you're having fun messing around with them and didn't realise it had been over twenty minutes until you noticed a presence behind you.

"Dang, are you a natural at everything, Y/N? The kids love you. You sure you want to stick with multimedia?" Jackson exclaims loudly and proudly seeing you with the kids. He snapped a few pictures to send to you later. He squats next to you to get the attention of a few of the kids; you were both playing with them now while Jisoo was still off looking for one of the parents.

By this time, someone else had entered the room. You look up at her and instantly recognise her. 'The girl from the cafe... Dear God, she looks so good with her hair down like that.' You smiled at her warmly, wondering why she was standing before you and your friend. You whispered a soft 'hi' and kind of cursed yourself for seeming so quiet. "It's nice to see you again! I didn't know you came to this church," before she had a chance to reply, Jisoo came bursting back in with Lisa.

"Y/N, service is about to begin! Get your butt over here!"

You look back at her and let out an amused sigh. "Well, I guess I'll have to talk to you later..." At the moment, you realised you still didn't know what her name was, but as you were about to ask, you were being yanked away. She was watching you leave and kept her eyes on you until you could no longer be seen.

"Her name is Y/N," Jackson had put on a movie to pre-occupy the kids for a little while since they were on school holidays. 'Y/N... that's nice.' Your name was swimming around in her mind now, and she couldn't really shake it. "And my name is Jackson," he put his hand out her for to shake, which she took gladly.

"Nice to meet you," Jackson smiled at the seemingly shy girl.

They engaged in a small conversation in which Jackson mostly spoke while she listened until Jisoo came back into the room. Jisoo stared at her, and she stared right back. Jackson had continued talking until he realised he was talking to himself. "What's going on?" He leered back and forth between the other two, the silence was still in the air, until Jisoo cracked her toothy grin.

The Pastor's Daughter [BLACKPINK ROSÉ x FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now