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Stiles liked to pretend he had his life together. He'd moved to Seattle shortly after graduating from the FBI academy. A professor had offered him a job and he took it. It was an opportunity to get away from Beacon Hills and everyone in it. He still talked to everyone, but he just didn't belong anymore. He enjoyed the city. It was busy, and he was rarely left alone with his thoughts. However, on this particular night, he felt exceptionally alone. In fact, this month had been a rough one. Normally he kept himself as busy as possible when October rolled around, but it had snuck up on him this month and he had been given a week off of work for a tough job he and his partner ran. He had asked, begged even, not to be given the time off, but his boss insisted he and his partner get a week of paid leave. The pair had been caught in the crossfires of a particularly bad hostage situation and had both been shot. They were both okay fortunately, but it had taken its toll on them both. Jeremy, his partner, had taken the time to go visit his sister in Virginia. Stiles decided to keep his time off a secret and avoid visiting until the holiday's. It was just easier not to go home. Too many memories.

However, tonight, Stiles almost wished he'd gone home. He missed the old days, back before things got so complicated. When Stiles' biggest regret was the old pizza he ate for dinner. Nowadays the regret he felt outweighed everything else.

With a huff Stiles grabbed the keys to his jeep. He'd retired roscoe about a year ago. It had helped with some of the haunting memories. He climbed in and breathed in the cool smell of leather. It was chilly, but Stiles welcomed the cool air. It was better than the puddle of sweat he often found himself in in the mornings.

He made his way to the club a few streets from his apartment. He frequented the bar more than he'd like to admit, but drinking had become a way to escape, even if only for a little while. And he usually met someone who was willing to blow off a little steam afterwards.

Stiles hadn't had a steady relationship since Malia. He'd been obsessed with Lydia for years. That obsession turned into a friendship that Stiles was satisfied with. He dated Malia but it was short lived. And then there was Derek. Stiles had crushed on Derek almost immediately, but that's all it was. But as time went on that crush developed into something more, until Stiles found himself head over heels for the werewolf. Stiles had thought that maybe there was something between them, something that could develop, but then Derek just left. He disappeared with Braeden and Stiles never saw him again. That's when Stiles devoted his time to getting into the FBI.

Now almost five years later, and Stiles hadn't fallen for anyone since. It was easier to be single. The occasional hook up was enough for him. Or so he told himself.

He checked his phone to see a text from Lydia,

"She'd want you to be smiling right now, so you better be," Was all it said.

Stiles pursed his lips as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. He had been trying to forget what today was. The day they lost Allison.

Stiles straightened his button down before climbing out of the jeep.

He made his way to the bar and took a seat.

"Stiles," The bartender, Amanda, smiled widely at him, "Usual, love?"

Stiles nodded. He would have opted for something a little stronger, but his usual was already straight whiskey, it didn't get much stronger than that.


Derek tensed in his seat, a familiar scent hit his nose. He knew that scent. That wasn't a scent he'd likely ever forget, no matter how hard he tried.

His eyes scanned the room quickly before landing at the bar. Derek's heart leapt into his throat before immediately sinking. He hadn't seen the human in close to five years and yet his heart still raced the same at the sight of him. Only the sight of him now made Derek's heart ache.

His eyes were dark and hallowed. His hair long and scraggly. His normally cheery expression was grave and tired. And he was sporting week old scruff.

Derek watched as he was handed a drink which Stiles threw back quickly with barely a squint.

Derek debated on going over to the human, but he didn't know what he would say. He never thought he'd see Stiles again. What was Stiles doing in Seattle?


Stiles tossed back a third drink. He couldn't help but fell like he was being watched. It made him uncomfortable, but he chalked it up to the ghosts of his past haunting him.

"You going through those kind of fast, can I buy you another one?" A voice asked suddenly beside Stiles.

He looked up to see bright blue eyes looking down at him.

"Why not?" Stiles shrugged.

"Blake," The guy said taking a seat.

"Stiles," Stiles responded with a tip of his empty glass.

"Rough day?" Blake asked, just as the drinks were being served.

"Rough month," Stiles corrected before downing his newly acquired drink.

"Maybe I could make it a little better?" The guys placed his hand on Stiles' arm affectionately.

"Oh yeah?" Stiles rose a brow. This guy was cute, however he hadn't had nearly enough to drink yet.


Derek gaped at the sight of this guy flirting with Stiles. Derek's wolf bristled beneath the surface. Stiles was either oblivious to this guys' motives or he was willing. Derek didn't know which bothered him more.

"He's single, you should go say hi," A voice spoke then startling Derek. It was the bartender.

"Oh, no, he seems preoccupied." Derek shook his head, offering a half smile.

"I've seen the types of guys he prefers, he'd choose you over him," She winked.

This caught Derek's attention, "He comes here often?"

"Oh yeah, some weeks more than others, but ever since the big hostage situation he got caught up in at work, he's been here every day. Boss made him take a week off." She responded eagerly.

"Hostage situation?" Derek frowned.

"You didn't see it on the news? A couple crazies held up a broker office. He and his partner were running a lead inside when the guys took hostages. Stiles and his partner were two of 'em. They took down the guys, but not without getting shot first. Saved everyone in the building though. Only two other people got hurt, but nothing too serious." Amanda gushed.

A sense of pride washed over Derek. He looked back over to see Stiles flirting back with Blake.

"You mentioned the types of guy's he's into..." Derek said turning back to the bartender, "But you also said he was single."

"Oh, hunny, if you're looking for more than a fun time with a great guy, you're looking in the wrong place. Nobody's been able to lock him down. Lord knows, they've tried." Amanda winked before hurrying off to her next task.


"What do you say we get out of here?" Blake grinned at Stiles suggestively.

"Actually, would you mind if I cut in?"

Stiles nearly dropped the glass he was holding.

He blinked at the man in front of him. He looked exactly the same.

"I uh, think I've had too much," Stiles slid a hundred dollar bill across the bar towards Amanda, before standing up.

He grabbed his phone and started for the door.

"Stiles, wait up," Derek called after the human but he was already out the door.

A Poison I Drink Often(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now