More than just a one night stand

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Derek followed Stiles to his room, "You know, I could really use a shower, actually."

"I'll get you a towel," Stiles released Derek hand to fetch Derek what he needed.

After getting Derek situated, Stiles left Derek to shower. Knowing that Derek was naked and wet in his bathroom was driving him crazy. He thought about when Derek had told him he'd have let Stiles use him as a distraction. He wondered what it would be like to sleep with Derek. Would he be passionate? Rough? Would he worry about hurting Stiles?

Stiles knew it was a terrible idea. It would only make fighting his feelings for the alpha harder. He was pretty good about keeping sex causal when it was with someone he didn't know, but he couldn't afford to get more attached to Derek. It was bad enough Derek was staying the night again. How long would this go on? How long before he ran out of reasons to ask Derek to stay? His hallucinations were getting better. He knew there was always a chance of them popping up, but could he really claim to need Derek there at night in another month or week? How long before Derek didn't want to stay anymore? How long before Derek met someone? How long before his feelings became obvious? Panic started to well in him.

"If you ruin this, you'll hate yourself forever," His own voice sounded in his head. At least it wasn't Allison this time.

The sound of the shower cutting off alerted Stiles. He needed to reel himself in, he couldn't let Derek smell his emotions like this.

The alpha stepped out of the shower still damp, with the towel tied around his waist.

"I realized I don't have any clothes here."

Stiles' mouth fell open slightly at the sight of Derek half naked and damp.

Derek tensed slightly as the subtle smell of Stiles' attraction reached him.

"You can uh...wear some of mine," Stiles stood then, dragging his eyes away from Derek.

The memory of his night with Klaus filled his head. The way Klaus bit his neck. He wondered if Derek was a biter. He knew he'd never use his fangs because of the risks but his regular teeth wouldn't hurt him.

"Stiles," Derek spoke through clenched teeth. He could smell the arousal growing as Stiles pulled out a pair of boxers.

"Sorry," Stiles knew Derek would smell it on him, but he couldn't help it.

Derek caught Stiles' wrist as he held out the clothing.

Stiles, who had been avoiding looking at Derek, met his eyes.

"What did you mean the other night, when you said, 'not like this'?"

Stiles swallowed hard. He hadn't realized he'd said that.

"I told you earlier, you mean more to me than just some one-night stand," Stiles gave a shrug. It was a weak explanation, but he couldn't tell Derek that he if he ever slept with Derek, he wanted it to be because they both cared about each other in the same way, not just because they were both willing.

"What if it was more than just once?" Derek watched Stiles face for any clue as to how Stiles might feel about the proposition Derek was offering.

"You mean like it being a regular thing?" Stiles frowned.

Derek only nodded.

Stiles shook his head quickly, and pulled out of Derek's grip, "I told you before, I've seen enough movies to know how the friends with benefits thing ends. I won't lose you. Not like that."

"You know those movies usually end with the two falling for each other, right?" Derek smirked.

"You and I both know that's not how it would end for us," Stiles gave a sad smile, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

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