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I woke up to the sound of my phone. I looked at it saw it was a text message from Harry.

Harry- so want me to pick you up for school?

Ari- umm sure see ya

Harry- see ya beautiful

I turned off my phone ran to the bath room and did my hygeine stuff and got dressed I put on a white flouncey v- neck shirt and some dark blue skinny jeans with ankle high combat boots with lace floral design's on the side's, and flat ironed my hair and did my makeup. I heard a honk and I knew it was Harry I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple I noticed my mom wasn't in the kitchen whatever. I grabbed my house keys and locked the door and ran to the car and hopped in and took out my iPod.

" You look extra cute today."harry said looking me up and down.

" Thanks um I'm gonna listen to music ok?" I said putting headphones in my ear and turning on my iPod.

" Ok." Harry said sighing.

I scrolled through my songs and saw one that stood out it was rather be by Jess glynne. I started listening to the words and looked out the window and felt Harry take my hand and hold it I felt sparks but not fireworks I guess cuz it's morning.

We got to the school and I saw Isabelle and some pretty brunette girl standing next to each other I wondered who it was. i got out the car still having my headphones in with no music playing, I took it off and stuffed it in my book bag. I walked up to Isa and the girl.

" Hey, how are you and this is Selena? " Isa said happy and perky.

" Hi, and hello Selena and I'm good how are you two? " I said a little tired.

" I'm good it's nice to meet you." Selena said happy and perky to.

I wondered why they were so happy and perky. I heard an alarm go off in my book bag I knew it was my phone I took it out and read on the screen... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIANA YOU ARE TURNING SEVENTEEN !!!!!!!!!!!!

I was token back also sad that my friends didn't say happy birthday to me? well and my mom and dad and family wow I just wanted to cry and curl up in a ball and never come out that's how hurt i was.

Also my mom I would expect her to say happy birthday I guess she forgot cuz she was working.

" Um yea I have to go excuse me." walked off with tears filling my eyes but I didn't cry because I saw people staring at me while I was walking in the hallway.

" What's her problem? " Selena said concerned and a little annoyed.

" I wonder but well we will figure it out later cuz we got class. " Harry said. we all walked off to seperate classes me and Selena got history dang Selena's sexy, I mean ari is to but there is just something about Selena that Ariana doesn't have.

I walked into the class and forgot that Harry is in my class I sat in the front because Harry hates sitting in the front. he came in and took a seat in the back with the girl Selena I know she's not new cuz I saw her around the school. I turned around to where Harry was sitting and caught his eye Selena was laughing he made his finger in a circle saying turn around.

No he just didn't. Screw you Harry. I turned around to the teacher for the rest of the class and when the bell rang I was the first person out the classroom. I ran to bathe room first he forgets my birthday then he starts flirting with some girl he just met and then he tells me to turn around like the teacher wow screw him I'm just gonna avoid Isabelle, Harry, and Selena. I walked out and went to the cafeteria and sat down alone and listened to some music until someone called my name.

" Um hey Ari hungry? " justin said with a smile on his face.

" Um yea a little." he slide his tray over to me and I took a peace of his sandwhich and slide it back to him.

" Um thnx." I took a bite of the sandwhich.

" No proble...." he said before I got up and left because I saw Harry, Isabelle, and Selena walk over to me. I threw away the sandwhich and ran to my locker.

" Um hi I'm Jared." He said with a perfect smile.

" Hi I'm Ariana." I said with a smile on my face.

" Do I gotta run but can I get ur number?"

" I'm sure." I handed him a peace of paper and he walked off. I looked behinds me and saw Harry running up to me I stuffed my book bag in my locker and ran as fast as I can I was on the track team for two years. I stopped and realized I lost Harry I looked on the post board and saw a paper that said talent show I grabbed it and ran into the batheroom and saw a few girls doing there makeup.

" Omg Jared has like the perfect smile I wish I could kiss his soft looking lips." Jessica said

" Yea I feel you well it's 2:45 in 5 mins schools gonna be over and the weekend will begin!! uh it's the bell lets go."

That was my cue I walked behind them until I got to my locker and grabed my book ba....

" What the fuc.." oh it was Harry oh shit it was Harry a grabbed my book bag and ran for the door but Harry grabbed me by the waist and pulled me.

" Why have you been avoiding us? " Selena and Isabelle came up behind him.

" Yea we have been worried and looking all around the school for you !!! " Isa said loud and clear

" Just leave me alone I hate all of you!!!" I wiggled out of Harry grasp and ran out the door and all the way home.

I got home and put on some Jammie's it was a red crop top sweater with blue and white shorts. I heard my phone blow up I checked it and some number called I answered it and it was Jared.

" Hey gorgeous how you doing? "

" Hi I'm good you?"

" I'm good well there is a party tonight at 5:30 and I wanted to know if u wanna go?"

" Um of course what do I have to wear?"

" Um something elligant and classic like a ball dress."

" Ok cool are you picking me up?"

" Yea well bye."

" Ok bye." I hung the phone up and went to get ready I put on a red diamond puffy dress and some diamond silver heels and put my hair in a bun I heard a knock so I went downstairs and opened the door.

" Hey, wow you look beautiful."😱😵😇😍😘

" Thanks you look handsome."

" Thank you shall we go?"

" Yes we shall."

To be continued!!!!!!

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