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happy late new year!!!

as the new year begins everyone is sure to have a goal in mind. and let me just tell you good luck on whatever you need to accomplish :)

but i will now update you on my life because a lot has happen since school started

- january 07

school starts. and there was nothing really happening except for five finals i have to take :))) now before you say ' i have all mInE done' my school is different. our teachers had a choice of either before winter break or after. most of mine picked after so :,) yay. they all picked next week though so i can take a little bit of a break in between. we only have 3 days next week so my teachers had to try and fit it all into it. well really we only have 3 and a HALF days so. 


then no school on friday and maybe monday?!?!??!? idk. but im tired and doing my studying like a good child of god. 

this is also the first time my german teacher DIDN'T give us homework. like is she okay????? i don't think she is. alSO i have a pimple on my upper lip. so thats great. 

and yesterday was the day i started track. and at first i was like 'wow okay ill be alright. then i realize it was a tHree hour practice. two hours in she let us get drinks and when i checked my phone i realized we had an hour left. my thighs were HURTINNG and they haven't recover. like i only did this for credit and now i have to get all fit. i was not prepared. also my thighs still have not recovered. thanks for asking. 

but the good news is that i have practice only three days a week for now. monday tuesday and thursday. but every other day i am thriving. i DONT take a bag to school and  i actual look cute on wednesday and friday cause i dont have to worry about sweATING.

now aftewords i just did science homework and not move cause i was in pain :)

- today

so today went off at a rough start. first, i procrastinated on my track stuff and wanted to do it today butttt...

okay little back story before i continued.  i share a room with my sister and she sleeps by the alarm. that has to wake me up too. okay? okay.

okay so anyways. procrastinating is bad and you shouldn't do it. and even though im saying this im gonna pull the hypocrite switch sooner or later. well so i wake up to my mom waking up. and i thought 'why is she up so early'. then i heard my sister say. 'its 6:35' and i started freaking the FUCK out. our bus comes at 6:45 and when i got up i only had 8 minutes to get dressed and actually FIND clothes, take my meds, brush my teeth hair etc, grab all my school stuff, track stuff, and find a coat warm enough to wear OUTSIDE. and grab my phone and headphones. you may think this was easy but by the time i got downstairs it was already 6:40. so i did what anyone in this situation would do (note the sarcasm):

i cried. and i realize that right now is not the time. so i kept crying while i put all my shit together. my mom helped of course but still i was stressed. 

now i was thinking 'why the alarm clock didn't work'. well the answer to that is my sister turned it off. 

5 times. 

every time it would start going off she would turn it off before i could hear it. and her answer to why? cause she wanted more sleep. i didn't even had time to do streaks so like what the fuck jamie. 

well now im here in photo journalism. my thighs are hurting my hair badly brushed, wearing a sweater under my sweatshirt. and typing on here instead of doing work. 

well that is my high school experience for now. so this was jenna

over and out. 

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