Living outside the box.

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Serena's POV

"I feel like I've been wasting my life away. I feel like everything's far away. If I could find the way to reach my dreams then maybe I would see what has become my reality! Oh yeah baby you have to lock up your dreams and keep them forever. Don't let people see where you hide them no never. You have to live your life like you wanna. You have to see the lights shine above ya. You have to notice wha- KEATON! ARE YOU FILMING ME?!?!" I yell at my older brother. He starts laughing and I smack his arm causing his video camera to fall on the ground.

"Hey!" He yells. I quickly reject the tape and clench it in my hand.

"This will never be seen again." I say.

"Hey you're not that bad sis." He says. I dramatically turn around.

"Not that bad?" I ask with one eyebrow up.

"Yeah. You're amazing. Why haven't you shown anyone yo-"

"Because Keaton. If people know then I'll become famous. If I become famous then that means I'll never had a normal life again."

"But famous means 'ch-ching'." He laughs.

"Whatever. Please just respect my privacy." I say slamming my door.

"Ugh. Why can't I be an only child?" I ask myself while I fall backwards on my bed. Today is the last day of school before Summer break and in 2 of the yearbooks there are Summer round trips to London for two. If I get that I'll be spending the summer with my best friend Lillian.

Let me get things straight. London means Europe. Europe means British. British means accents. Accents mean hot boys. Hot boys mean hot boys! Am I right? I smirk to myself and try to imagine a life in Europe. The fancy tea parties, Big Red Bus tours, boys, and more boys, and-

"COME ON YOU DONT WANT TO MISS YOUR BUS AGAIN!" My stepmom calls from the kitchen on the intercom. So yeah my Stepmom is totally rich and she has one daughter April and she tries to destroy my life. My dad can't divorce and leave her because she's so rich she could ruin his life. And plus we need the money. I come from a poor side with my brother Keaton, and my Dad Felix Taylor. My mother passed away when I was 12. Right now I am 15 and still having to cope with a new family after 3 years. We live in a 5 story mansion in Beverly Hills, California. I go to Beverly Hills High School and I'm sort of popular but not really. I'm the leader of 'The Chic Geeks'. It's my own little clique and we have our own lunch table and we all have this huge sleepover bash at my house every year on the last day of school. Everyone's invited. Even the 'Royalty'. The Royalty are a group of overly popular girls who think they are teen royalty. The head is named Fabiola Gold. She actually comes from royalty. Her family is 6th inline for the thrown. But still they are just stuck up but still every guy in school ends up liking them. I can't complain I have a wonderful boyfriend. His names Tanner Gold. Tanner is the definition of perfection. Except for the fact that his sister hates me. He has icy blue eyes, short and shaggy brown hair, and has the most adorable smirk. When he smirks his left eye closes and his smile curves to his left. He makes me and all the girls want to faint. He is also the quarterback of the football team. My brother is the complete and utterly opposite. Keaton is a video geek. He spends his days and nights editing the schools daily news show. He calls it 'Zap'. It's pretty cool I guess. Me on the other hand. I'm very well known. I wouldn't call myself popular but pretty much everyone knows or heard of me. I'm outgoing and I am in a lot of clubs at school. But my clique bows down for me like I'm some queen.

"Keaton come on dude. Seriously." I say pushing him out the door.

"Hey now come on. Oh shoot I forgot my binder. Hang on." He says rushing upstairs.

Keaton's POV

I rush upstairs to find that tape of her singing. I look under her bed, in her closet, in her safe (yes I know the code it's 4224), in her drawers. Then I remember. One place I would never look. Her bra and undies drawer. Grody! I carefully open the drawer and rummage through it until I find the little tape. I shove it in my pocket. And run downstairs.

"Where's your binder?" She asks.

"Oh...Couldn't find it." I lie. She raises her eyebrow.

"What I couldn't find it."

About 5 minutes later the bus pulls up. When we step in she automatically sits with her boyfriend. I scoff at the sight of the two of them together. He's going to hurt her and I'm going to hurt him. I'm not that wimpy ya know. Yeah maybe I'm not a jock but I sure can kick butt.

Serena's POV

I sit down next to Tanner and lay my head on his shoulder. He plugs in his headphones to his phone and plays our love song. I put one earbud in my ear and he puts the other in his. We listen to about 5 songs before we approach the school. He intertwines out hands and we walk in the halls. Our lockers are right near each other and so is Lillian's. Lillian, Tanner, and I always walk to class together. Lillian is a little boy crazy. Which might explain why she can't get a decent boyfriend. She's had 3 in the past 2 months. She just can't see that maybe she needs to change. Anyways I walk up to her and scare her.

"Ah stop it Serena!" She yells and smacks me on the shoulder.

"Haha sorry it was hi-lar-i-ous!" I cackle.

"Yeah yeah now will you help me unload my locker?" She asks and I nod. She hands me a Baggie to put her magnets, pens, and erasers in. She's totally organized. My locker on the other hand looks like World War 2 hit it with a few messy bombs.

"So even if we don't get the yearbook trip my Stepmom is paying for us to go." I smile.

"Seriously?!?! That's amazing! I can't wait." She says then looks down and frowns.

"Hey what's wrong? You better turn that frown upside down before you get mistaken for a clown.." I sing and laugh.

"You know when we are in London I am totally setting you up with a music producer." She says.

"I'm honestly not that good."

"Not that good?! Psh honey you could sell out Madison Square Garden, you could be a famous rockstar-"

"See I don't want to be famous. I want a normal life with just a singing hobby." I say and sigh.

"With a voice like that it's not just a hobby." Tanner says grabbing my waist and turns me around to kiss me.

"Ugh PDA stop guys." Lillian says disgusted walking away.

We both chuckle.

"So really you don't want to be famous?" He asks.

"Mmhm." I nod.

"I think you'd make a great, and punk rockstar." He whispers smirking at me.

"Oh shut up!" I smack him.

"Ow." He whines.

Maybe everyone's right. I should start living outside the box.


{Eh how was is?}

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