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Serena's POV

We finally arrived in London last night and our hotel view is absolutely stunning. You could see all the lights at night. Today we are going out to explore the city. Of course us girls went shopping and then I went to the bathroom for like 2 minutes got back and Keaton and Lillian were holding hands.

"Grosssssssss." I say stressing the s. And they just laughed. I closed my eyes when they kissed and I ran right into someone.

"Oh gosh are you alright?" The stranger asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say lifting myself up.

"Hey your that girl that was singing in the bathroom. I saw that video. He says. my jaw drops.

"You saw that?!" I exclaim.

"Mmhm." He smirks and I start blushing because he was really cute.

"You're amazing. Here's my number give me a call. My dad's a big music producer." He says handing me a card and then he kisses my cheek and walks off. I hold my cheek and I swear in my mind all I saw was hearts and stars flying around.

"Ooh. Somebody's gotta crush." Keaton says giggling.

"No I have a boyfriend remember." I reminded them.

"Yeah one that treats you like crap." Keaton mumbles.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I said Tanner treats you like crap. He's such an ass. I can't believe you even put up with him after he cheated on you let's see 1...2...3...4 ti-" he says counting on his fingers.

"Ohhhkay I get it chill geez!" I say smacking my forehead.

"All he's trying to say is you deserve better." Lillian says.

She's right. I do deserve someone who would treat me right but I'm not even sure that boy liked me. He didn't give me his name and I bet he only kissed me on the cheek to be nice since British people do that...or maybe that's French people. Well anyways it probably didn't mean anything.

We finished shopping and got back to the hotel. We were going to the pool so I decided to change into my new pink fringe bikini. I reached in my pocket to grab my phone and the number fell on the floor. I picked it up and debated wether to call it or not. After about five minutes of staring at the card I dialed the number.

"Ello? Who must I be speaking with?" He says. His British accent makes me melt.

"It's Serena. You ran into me and gave me your number."

"Well hello gorgeous." He says. I feel myself blush and I quickly giggle.

"Hey haha so I was wondering when I could meet your dad." I ask. I curl my toes waiting anxiously for his response.

"How about now?" He asks.

"I'm about to go to the pool with my brother and friend maybe around 4?"

"Hm? Can I join you?"

"Sure. We are staying at the 'Queens Day' hotel near west shore avenue." I say.

"Okie Doki see you shortly beautiful by the way I'm Alex." He says hanging up.

I fall on the bed and sigh.

"What wrong?" Lillian asks me.

"Boys here are so delicate and perfect."

"Yeah but not all guys from home are so bad."

"If that's an indirect about my brother I will slap you so hard you won't be able to move your face."

She doesn't respond so I get up and head towards her.

"Okay okay please don't hit me." She begs.

I start laughing and she grabs her phone and sits on the bed.

"Oh my god." She says.


"This." And once again she hands me a picture that April tweeted of her cuddling with Tanner.

"He's asleep. She probably snuck in and took it while he was sle-but why would she be at his house. So that means he's at my house." I say jumping up and grabbing my phone. I quickly dial my stepmom.

"How's the trip?" She asks.

"Great. How's April?" I ask and smirk.

"I don't know let me go to her room and check." She's silent for a second then I hear sudden screams and yelling.

"Booyah!" I say high five-ing Lil.

"Okay so what now?" She asks.

"Now we get you that smokin' hot British dude to ask you out." We laugh.

"Okay. I guess. He's coming over shortly and all of us are gonna swim at the pool." I say.

"Yo yo look who I found waiting outside the door!" Keaton exclaims.

"Hi." Alex says softly. He's very shy. I wonder if all British people are.

"So let's hit the pool." Lillian says linking arms with Keaton and they skip out in front of us.

"So I was thinking. After the pool we go visit my dad and the recording studio and get that song on iTunes?" He asks.

"Holy yes!" I exclaim jumping up and down.

"Haha okay well it's a deal then."

"Wait a deal?"

"Yeah. You have to let me take you on a date also."

"Ugh fine." I say sarcastically. By the look on his face he thought I was serious.

"I was joking. I would love to." He grabs my hand.

"You know. I never got your name."

"Oh I'm so stupid. It's Serena. Serena Taylor."

"Well nice to meet you gorgeous." I feel my face heat up and I just let myself blush.

"You know you're cute when you blush." He says brushing his thumb over my cheek. He turns my head and kisses my cheek also.

"Hey! Watch it. No PDA with my sister." Keaton warns him.

"Sorry dude. I didn't know she was your sister." Alex says backing his hand up.

"I'm joking." Keaton laughs.

"Wow. You Americans sure have a lot of sarcasm and jokes huh?" We all laugh.

When we get to the pool I set my stuff down and walk to the pool edge. I sit down and put my feet in. I lean my head back and enjoy the sun gleaming on my face. Then I am being pulled into the cold water.

"Oh my gosh. Who did that?!" I exclaim.

"Not me." Alex says smirking.

"Oh you're soooo dead!" I joked. I swam over to where he was and I tried splashing him but he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. He looked down at me and I looked up. I saw him scanning my lips and then he leaned in and sparks flew everywhere. But I quickly pulled away.

"I have a boyfriend. Well no actually I was going to break up with him but never got the chance and I wasn't honest and I'm so-" I was cut off by his lips pressing roughly on mine. I grab his cheeks and we basically had a full on make out session right there in the pool. Well London isn't so bad man I'm totally loving this.

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