Chapter 2

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~Ariana's POV~

Two weeks.

Two weeks without my journal and I was going out of my mind. It wasn't so much that I missed writing in it, but more so me risking complete and utter humiliation if it fell into the wrong hands. All my rants, my secrets, tucked away in that tiny leather bound book. Now I had no idea where it was and the thought terrified me.

"You probably just dropped it at the Brew, the Doug found it and is keeping it safe for you." my best friend, Courtney, suggested.

She was currently lying on my bed and fiddling with her phone while I paced my room frantically. I had explained the entire situation to her the day I lost my journal and now she was trying to help me think clearly to retrace my steps.

"Don't you think Doug would've given it back by now if he had it? I mean, it's not like I go to the Brew every single day." I replied. Sarcasm was my only line of defense whenever I panicked.

"Maybe he's reading it and enjoying himself. Maybe he doesn't want to give it back until he finishes it. Maybe right at this very moment, he's leafing through those pages and is slowly falling in love with the bitterness and negativity of your rants." Courtney said with a laugh.

I shot her a glare. "Don't even joke about that. I'd die if Doug read my journal."

She rolled her eyes and slumped forward, her elbows propped on the bed spread. "Okay Ari, chill. I'm sure your journal will turn up somehow. And if it doesn't then there's nothing we can do about it. Just relax and breathe."

Maybe my best friend was right. My journal had to turn up at some point, right?

"I guess you're right, Courtney."

"Aren't I always?" She said with a wink. "So tell me about that hottie at the coffee shop again."

My blood started boiling at the mention of the asshat who dumped her coffee on me and then hit on me.

"Oh, don't even get me started on her..."


When Courtney and I arrived at first period AP Literature the next morning, the class seemed a little more talkative than usual. Oh, how I loved the sounds of squealing and girls with morning gossip.

Not. Thank you, next. ((A/N i'm so sorry I had to do it))

"Hey Ari! Hey Courtney!"

We both jumped back, startled. The minute we walked through the door, Jason popped up, right in our faces. Jason had been friends with us since freshman year. We had biology and it was dissection day. Our teacher decided to divide the class into groups of three and gave each of our groups a dead frog. Courtney was terrified of the frog and I wasn't too keen on touching dead animals, especially since I was a hardcore vegan. We both turned to Jason for help. However, his face was already pale and he shook his head violently out of fear. It was a good day, and we instantly became friends.

Today, Jason's dirty blonde hair was sticking up in all sorts of places and his eyes were sparkled with electricity. The hair was a normal occurrence, but I knew his eyes only did that when he was excited about something.

"Hey J, what's all this-" I gestured to our buzzing classmates. "-about?"

"There's a new kid in our school and she's in our class."

We looked at him in surprise.

"No wonder everyone's so excited. What's she like?"

"She's a pretty cool girl, really easy to get along with."

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