Interview with Iluvgirlsinglasses

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black-talia-rose: How were you first introduced to Kuroko no Basuke?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: It was introduced to me by my Otaku friends. They told me it was an awesome anime. To be honest, I immediately fell in love with the anime; especially when I saw Midorima. XD It was just so cool.


black-talia-rose: Did you have any particular inspiration for your fan fiction, Bittersweet Liaison?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: YES, I made it for my twin sister who really loves Murasakibara :3 It was just for recreational purposes at first but then people started reading my story.


black-talia-rose: Did you use any personal experiences when writing the story?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Well, yeah the characters in my story are based on people that I meet in real life. Kasumi's (My OC) profile is derived from my twin, most especially her attitude. Hitomi (another OC) can be compared to me as well.


black-talia-rose: Sounds cool. Obviously Kasumi has something going on with Murasakibara, but do you have any pairing planned for Hitomi as well?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Yes, but it will be in a different story. I'm planning on releasing it as soon as I finish Bittersweet Liaison. It would be a Midorima X Hitomi pairing. Right now I would just focus on Murasakibara and Kasumi but I'm planning to put cameo scenes of Hitomi and Shintarou.


black-talia-rose: Fantastic stuff. Have you got any sneak peeks of stuff that might happen in either Bittersweet Liaison or the prospective story mentioned?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Hmmm... For Bittersweet Liaison, better expect for another festival-- Himuro will probably ask Kasumi out and beats Atsushi to it. There will most likely be a huge turn of events and of course; an unexpected kissing scene ;) As for the other story, Let’s just say Hitomi and Shintarou were childhood friends. They were linked by a promise before she moved to England. To fulfill that promise, Hitomi went back to Japan-- only to find out that Midorima has forgotten it and her existence.


black-talia-rose: Ooooh! Exciting! Now, I'm guessing that as well as writing KnB fanfictions, you also read them. Do you have any of your favourites that you might like to share?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Yes! My all time favorite fanfic is "My Own Shadow" by whyyousoserious. It's actually a story about Midorima's relationship to his teammates--especially Takao--but then something comes up that changes the way he perceives and treats his teammates. It's such a wonderful story that left me to tears T^T


black-talia-rose: I'm actually going to check that out. It sounds great. Before I leave writing and reading KnB fanfictions behind and go to some random KnB trivia, do you have a message for your fans who read Bittersweet Liaison?

To all my readers and fans out there, Thank you very much for reading and supporting my fanfic, even though Author~san hasn't been updating frequently. You are the reason why I feel motivated to continue writing. Awesome people like you deserve two big thumbs up! Stay who you are and rock on.. :)



black-talia-rose: As one such fan, I give you a big thumbs up back! Now comes my favourite part. Who is your favourite Kuroko no Basuke character and why?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Even though my very first fanfic is about Murasakibara, the character that piqued my attention the most is the horoscope loving megane, Midorima Shintarou. His outlook towards life is really fascinating and in my opinion, his attitude makes him a cute character. I always find myself looking forward to seeing what lucky item he has on his hand every single time he appears. He doesn't care what people think of him as long as he can be who he really is.


black-talia-rose: Very interesting. Now, here's the difficult one. Who is your least favourite Kuroko no Basuke character and why?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Least? Well, that question is quite hard to answer... But I have to say that Sakurai Ryo is the character that I don't really find interesting, especially that overcompetent side of him on the episode where he and Hyuga were shooting a lot of threes. He has a weak character and blames everything on himself even though it is not his fault. But his pout is hilarious though and I find his 'Sumimasen' cute.


black-talia-rose: I see. What do you think is your favourite basketball game from Kuroko no Basuke and why?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: For me, the game between Seirin and Touo Academy during the Winter Cup was one of the most intriguing matches I've seen out of the two seasons. I almost forgot how to breathe whenever the ball was in play. In the end, I was brought to tears over Seirin's victory, they really proved that Aomine's style of playing was wrong.


black-talia-rose: Yeah, that one was good. And which do you think would be your least favourite basketball game and why?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: Well that would be the match of Seirin vs. Kirisaki Daichi. It was clearly an unfair match and I can't believe that the referee didn't even notice how dirty Hanamiya and the others were playing. I guess that was one crucial flaw of the anime and I really do hope that Hanamiya would change for the better next time he and Kiyoshi meet.


black-talia-rose: Probably not, unfortunately. Are there any characters in the series that you would definitely pair up? (For me, it's Hyuga Junpei and Aida Riko!)

Iluvgirlsinglasses: OHMYGLOB THIS IS FANGIRLING MOMENT FOR ME. I totally ship HYUGA and RIKO too!!! They're such a cute couple and I'd prefer that over Kiyoshi and Riko. I have other ships as well but most of them are boy x boy though-- like Himuro x Murasakibara, Kagami x Aomine and Takao x Midorima. But the ship that I really want to push the most is Hanamiya x Kiyoshi. They are such a good pair if you ask me and their personalities are the exact opposite of each other. (pardon me for being such a fujoshi)


black-talia-rose: Haha! No problem. And for the final question, if you were miraculously transplanted into the world of Kuroko no Basuke what would be the first few things you would do?

Iluvgirlsinglasses: I'd go to Tokyo and attend Shutoku to conquer that green-headed megane wearing bishie's heart~ <3  (I want senpai to notice me) Also, I would try to steal Shin-chan's glasses and take a good long look at him without them. Wow, I’m so weird, please pardon me >.<


black-talia-rose: On the contrary. Those are fantastic ideas. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.

Iluvgirlsinglasses: No problem,thank you for giving your time to hear my answers as well. Best of wishes to you and your magazine! Good luck! :D

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