Fangirl Mania

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Greetings, everyone! ^^ I, Levee_Ayzis, will be your host for this month's Fangirl Mania! As requested by the original journalist claiming this position, aka Red, I will fangirl over Izuki Shun!

Izuki Shun is a second year student of Seirin High, he's one of the regular players in Seirin's Basketball club. He plays as a point guard, his "Eagle Eye" makes him exceptional, but it's not the only thing that makes him so noticeable. Izuki has been playing basketball longer than anyone else in the club, making him the most suited for the games despite his average build.

The most remarkable thing about Izuki is his love for puns, which is contagious, for such species as Red and I have been infected.

Honestly, my favourite member of Seirin Basketball Club of all time is Izuki Shun. He's a cute, witty and I won't take the courage to call him funny, though, admit that that one pun about llama made us all snort a laugh. (I had actually been laughing at that like a retarded seal..)

I will try to explain to you guys why I like Izuki that much, so you don't think I'm just a crazy chick idolizing him like people idolize some.. short.. redheads. (Not a hater either, I swear.)

Firstly, let's review him as a basketball player. He's the one who the opponents usually look down upon, yet, he always manages to bring his team out of the pinch situation and once again gains their respect. My heart aches when Shun is being shunned by others </3

I love Izuki on the court because even in the most pressured moment, when everyone''s overheating and going all out at the opponent, he keeps his head cool and is able to analyse the game well, giving Seirin a huge advantage. Let's say that as a point guard, he's doing his job right.

Then comes the cute side of him, Izuki the punny guy appears on the stage! I love it how he's always able to keep sane and calm, in a pressing match with Rakuzan, he was still joking along like it was pouring through his veins, and it probably was.. I think that in a way, he's acting as a pillar to Seirin's sanity, constantly snapping them back to reality by another unsuccessful pun. Might not be shown in the show/manga, but imagine having such an easy going person on the court with you, personally, I would feel much calmer.

If Izuki's super mega eye-colour-shift when he uses his Eagle Eye does not turn you on then you're lying. He's a handsome fellow, but the moment he opens his Eagle Eyes which turn leaden, I feel blood streaming through my nostrils.

He never gets upset about being seen as a weakling, instead, he  gives it all to prove that he's strong. Izuki Shun has been teaching us life lessons since 2008 (When the manga came out).

Gotta love him c: I hope you've enjoyed my article! I probably won't be hosting Fangirl Mania anymore, but it was a real pleasure! Have a fantastic month ahead of you!

Yours truly,

- Levee_Ayzis

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