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Standing on the roof surrounded by men and women in white coats. I am simply wearing white jeans, short black boots, and a black shirt with a light blue heart on it. My wings are attached to my back. They can be turned on and off so I don't have to walk with them all the time. Knowing I like going out, I think that it is a huge avantage. In a club dancing with wings seems kinda hard...
"Are you ready, Lainey?" The guy closest to me asks.
"When aren't I?" I reply with a sly smile.
"Okay. Three, two, one..."
"Jump!" The man and I exclaim at the same time. I press the play button on my watch which is connected to my iPod and the song Jump by Van Halen blasts through my headphones as I sore down. I try to fly up and immediately I launched myself to the sky. I am way higher then the most rooftops of the city.
"Okay Lainey, you can come back down now." Sounds a familiar female voice through the communicator in my right ear.
"What? Now? I only just started!" I say disappointed.
"Yes now. We don't want you crashing like the others. Charlie and your mum would personally kill us." The woman has a Scottish accent. Trisha, she is called, I like her. Trisha is not much older then me. Twenty, if I remember it right. She lives on the floor atop of ours.
I fly back down to the rooftop on which all the scientists stand. As I land the burst out in an applause. I bow for them and they one for one congratulate each other and me. Trisha is the last one.
"You were brilliant, sweetie." She says. I smile at her.
"Thank you. You coming to the bar tonight? Charlie and I are gonna celebrate that I am not dead. But mostly that we succeeded. The more the merrier." I say happily. Trisha smiles.
"I'll think about it." She answers.
"Okay, see you at seven at my place if you wanna come and if not just gimme a message." I say. I wave at her and walk down the stairs. I had the stairs but I am never ever getting in an lift again. And since I am not allowed to use my wings, I have got to walk. The music on my headphones has now changed to a metal-queens playlist. Nothing better then metal right after you have scored through the sky. I cross the street and hop on the bus. The bus leaves as the doors close behind me. I scan my ticket and take a seat in the back. The bus drives through the streets of the city and stops at different bus stops. At the fifth one on the track I get out. The stop is right in front of our complex. Fifty stories high and one apartment per story. At the side there are stairs, an elevator and an escalator. And of course that is why mum and I stay here. Other buildings have only stairs and elevators. I walk on the escalator while it is carrying me upstairs. Because of that I am upstairs in no time. Lightly out of breath I open the door of my house on the 31st floor.
"Hi Mum."
"Hey Lainey. How did it go?" Mum asked as I walk in.
"Well I am no dead. And it went brilliantly." I say with a huge grin across my face. As I turn off my headphones the doorbell rings.
"That'll be Charlie." Mum says.
"Of course it is." I say while turning around to open the door. Charlie enters and gives me a hug.
"Well done, Lainey! I knew you could do it." He says happily. He looks like an exited puppy. He gives me a hug and I poke him in the side.
"Hey! Don't do that, you know I am ticklish." Charlie's jumps back.
"I know, that is what makes it fun." I say with a devious grin. I poke him once again in his side. Charlie walks carefully away but then steps forward.
"I know you can't stand being tickled in the neck. So," he reaches out to me and I cover my neck with my arms.
"Oi! Stop it!" I yell, "no, no don't." I now have my arms in front of me so Charlie can't even reach my neck in the first place. I turn quickly around and run towards my room. I close the door behind me and stand with my back against the door. I feel Charlie trying to push the door open but it doesn't work.
"Charlie, I would like it if you didn't demolish our doors." Says mum from the kitchen.
"Yes ma'am, sorry. But your daughter won't let me in." Charlie apologises quickly.
"Well, I think see has perfectly good reasons for that." Mum answers Charlie's weak excuse. Charlie tries again to open the door and I open the door at the same time causing Charlie to tumble inside my room.
"You will close the door, won't you?" I ask him while I jump on my bed. My room is quite big. One wall, the left one when you enter my room, is completely made out of glass. The window grants a spectacular view over the city. My bed stands in front of the window. On the wall across the window there is an tv attached to the wall. Under the telly stands a drawer on which lie several remotes and some books. In the drawers are my socks, underwear and tops. My shirts, sweaters, trousers and skirts/dresses are in the walk-in closet, together with my shoes. The walk in closet is behind the wall across the one which has the door to my room. The wall with my door has a big desk with a computer, a laptop and several books on top of it. Charlie takes the chair from the bureau and sits himself down next to my bed.
"So, how did it go? I saw you flying up again after the dive. It looked brilliant."
"It was. It was extraordinary. I have never felt anything like this before."
We talk about the flight for several minutes when my mum calls us for dinner. And after dinner we are getting ready to get out. At seven sharp the doorbell rings. Trisha stands on the doorstep.
"Hiya Trish, ready?" I ask.
"Yep, ready to party." She answers with a smile. We are both wearing short black dresses and Charlie is wearing black jeans and a light blue shirt. We step out the door and walk down the escalator. Because it is getting dark quick my hair starts to glow. Hopefully I won't be the only one in the club that's enhanced.
The club is three blocks away. Even from a distance you can hear the bass from the loud music.

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