Chapter One

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I collapse through the front door and run upstairs to flop down on my bed. Why is the first day back after the summer holidays always the hardest? I feel my body sink into the memory foam beneath the silk sheets of my bed. Ah. At last. I kick off my black slip ons and unbutton my polo shirt. My phone vibrates in my pocket.

can i come round? :)

It's from Sam. She's my best friend. I'm not really sure why; we haven't got one thing in common. She's all airheaded and sucks up to anybody who passes by. She giggles over boys and obsesses over Justin Beiber and One Direction. I'm the complete opposite. I'm well guarded, and I'm not myself until you properly get to know me. If someones nice to me I'll be nice back, if their not, then I won't bother sucking up to them till they are. I think Justin and One Direction are overrated. I'm not really into boys. Sam is annoying. I can stick with her at school, but out of school too? No thanks.

Sorry, mums taking us out for dinner. x

I click 'Send.'. No reply. Oops, maybe she realizes I'm lieing. Oh well, she will have gotten over it by tommorow I suppose. I'm not really being that harsh - I can't be bothered to do anything with anyone to be honest. Todays been a mad rush, and I've got loads to remember and I've got to finish all my new homework. I hate homework at the beggining of the year. It's like the teachers try and get you back into the school routine with these stupid worksheets set for the sake of it. They act like it's fun, but it's not, it's horrible. HORRIBLE. I flick through the homework I've been set in my planner - biology, English, and Spanish. It's not that bad, I guess. I'm over acheiving in all those subjects. I'm over acheiving in most subjects actually. The head of year, Miss Callums, says I've got an extremley bright future ahead of me. If I stay on track, that is. It's very unlikley I won't. My life is honestly quite boring. I think people assume I prefeer it that way. I don't get invited to drink ups to get wasted, nobody offers me a roll when everyones smoking the stuff, boys don't really approach me, girls don't come to me to have fun. They assume I'm just plain old Ashlyn, nothing special, a bit dog eared on the sides. Nobody sees me out of my school uniform, so they assume I'm just like everyone else. Really, I'm dying to have a bit of excitment in my life and some sleepless nights. Just a typical teenaged lifestyle, not the dull, boring life I lead. I often have fantasys about partying till restless, getting mortal, and dating bad boys. But I don't tell anyone, they'd probably just laugh.

I take of my shirt, and stand in front of the mirror. Wow, my bodys changed a lot. My bra is now filled, and I've got a proper clevage line. My bums a lot bigger, and my hips are curvier, my waist slimmer. I've got stretch marks on the back of my thighs from growing so fast. Yuck. I let my hair down and swish it around. Mum says I'm lucky to be able to suit dark hair. Not many light skinned girls can have black hair and look decent. My hairs grown a lot too, and it's at just the right height. It's thick and curly. I wear it up for school. I don't bother trying to look nice at school, my hair scraped back, no makeup, and the uniform gaining about three stone to my appearance. Luckily I'm quite natrually tanned. Mum says we've got some Hungarian genes running in the family from my great granddad or something. My tans probably one of my faveourite things about myself. I dont have to use that cheap foam fake tan with the disgusting smell that seems to keep for several days after you've put it on. That's what most of the girls in my year use. Sam dosen't use it of course, she's happy being pale as a sheep. It suits her fair complexion, I guess. I don't even know what my complexian is. Some people ask if I'm Spanish, since my hair, and eyes are both dark, plus the tanned skin. Ha, in my dreams. I'm fully British. I'd love to have something foreign in me. Obvouisly there's that single Hungarian gene. I don't even know where Hungary is! Geography isn't one of my strong points.

'ASH! DINNER TIME!' My mum yells from downstairs, knocking me out of my pointless string of thoughts. 'Coming!' I yell in reply, shoving a pyjama top on and running out of my room downstairs. My younger brother Kai is already at the table. 'Ehm, why are you wearing pyjamas with your school uniform? You look STUPID.' He mocks. 'Shut up squirt.' I sigh, dropping into the seat beside him. 'Where's dad?' I ask. 'He's got another late night conference, I think he's staying at a hotel.' Mum replies with a sigh. 'He's always got conferences these days! God!' I slump down into my chair. 'Oh I know sweetie. He's just doing his job though, right?' She ruffles my hair. Eish, I hate it when she does that. It makes me feel about five years old. 'I suppose.' I say, slapping her hand away. 'Don't hit me!' She glares. 'I hardly hit you, did I?' 'Hmm...your cousins are coming tommorow. Logan and Crissy. Make sure you come straight home after school, both of you.' She says, setting plates before us. 'Oh, great.' I groan. 'You had plans?' Mums eyes widen. Yay, even my mum agrees I'm a dull loner. 'No, I just despise Logan.' I say. 'And Crissy's gross, mom! She held hands with Kieron in the playground!' Kai says in disgust. It's funny how when your Kai's age, even holding hands is disgusting. But when you're my age, you're expected to be on track to lose your virginity. It's an embarressment I haven't even kissed a boy, never mind hugged, sat with, or talked to one. I've always wondered what it feels like to have a boys arm round your neck, or round your waist. It looks so...nice! Even Sam has kissed a boy. It was some guy on her summer camp...she kissed him PROPERLY! Just the thought of Sam's tounge in someone elses mouth is enough to make me cringe. Yuck. Kissing Sam. Ew! 'Ah, how cute! And shut up Ashlyn, stop being so childish. She's your cousin!' Mum sighs. 'Fine.'


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