Chapter Four

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'What's wrong with you, Ash? You've been so quiet all day. I know we had that little fight this morning, but I told you, think nothing of it.' Sam says for the eight millionth time as we walk home. It's been another long day at school, boring, dull, avarage. Except from my kiss this morning with...well, I don't know his name. The new boy. 'Nothing. Sam, what's that new boy from our year called?' I ask her. 'Oh, him. He's an idiot if you ask me, who turns up to school on his first day then not on his second? He's called Gabe. It must be short for Gabriel, I guess. Eish, what a prick...why do you want to know that anyway?' She looks at me, examining my face. Shit. She's known me too long. 'Oh, my...GOD. No! You stay clear of that boy, Ash! You hear me? He's nothing but trouble! He does drugs, you know! And he's in a gang! And I heard he got a girl pregnant! Stay, way clear Ashlyn! Don't you dare fall for don't even like boys do you? And he's got a girlfriend, okay? So don't got there!' She yells at me. 'Quiet! I don't like him!' I squeaked, hoping nobody had heard. Then it hits me what she'd just said. He's got a girlfriend. Just like, that I felt this horrible, unbearable feeling in my stoumach. Like all the butterflies just died. The little player. This is why I hate guys, and I'd fallen for it. 'Who's his girlfriend?' I couldn't help ask. 'Oh, she knows Remi and Nadia. Bliss Sanderson. She's scary as anything, you don't wanna get on her bad side. And she's stunning. No offence, but I don't think you can compete with her...' Sam winced. I heaved a long sigh. She's right. What am I thinking? 'See you tommorow Sam.' I say, waving her goodbye and turning onto my street.

A long, dull week passed, and Gabe didn't return to Meercroft. Finally, I'd started to forget about our kiss. Until I was in math class, and our behavIor officer Mr Crow walked in. What a name, Mr Crow. 'We've got a late comer, sir.' He told my maths teacher. My math teacher Mr Jonson shook his head. 'No...he isn't in our class.' He said firmly. Everyone crowed their neck to the side, to try and catch who was outside the door. In strutted Gabe. He had the same glint in his eye he had a week ago. His eyes scammed the room, then landed on me. He smiled at me. I felt myself blushing and looked back down to my math book. I could feel all the eyes in the room fixed on me. I thanked God that Nadia or Remi weren't in my math class to make some stupid comment. Right, I'm not falling for him. He's treating me like a stupid, little, foolish girl. One he can just play like a game. Huh? Well I'll play him at his own game. 'Yes, sir, he is. He's quite new. Just take him for today, please.' Mr Crow pleaded. He obvouisly didn't want the bad boy in his hands. 'Fine. Take a spare seat, Gabriel. And don't mess around, or you're straight out of my classroom.' He eyed him up scarily. Mr Jonson was defiently one of the stricter teachers at Meercroft. All eyes followed Gabe as he slowly walked towards a desk at the back of the room. Fuck, it's my desk he's walking towards. I felt myself panicing. In most of my lessons I sit with Sam, but she isn't in my math, so I'm on my own. Not for much longer, I guess. I sigh loud enough for him to hear, and realize I'm not happy to see him. 'Hey gorgeous.' He whispers. He adjusted his hat. It's like his signature thing. 'You.' I sigh again. 'Get out your equipment please, Gabriel.' Mr Jonson ordered. 'I haven't got any.' He smiled. 'What? Where's your bag?' Jonson glared at him. 'I haven't got a bag with me, sir.' He replied. 'Fine. Well, here.' Jonson threw a pencil across the room, obvouisly frustrated with the fact he'd already made a fool of him. Gabe caught it effortlessly. 'Cheers.' He looked at my book. 'I'm working with you.' He said. I was about to tell him he couldn't, when he took my book from me and started writing in it. Great. I sighed once again, heavier and louder than ever. He slid the book back to me. He'd writted a message at the top of the page.  What you doing tonight ;-)  It read. I had to stop myself from smiling. His handwriting was sort of cute, and with the little face. Awh. But then I tensed up and whispered 'I'm busy.' glaring at him. 'Course you are, baby.' He smiled at me. My heart was melting inside. I forced a distraction on myself, and pulled my phone out of my pocket. It had three new texts from Sam, and one embarresing one from my mum. Then the phone vanished out of my hands. I expected it to be Mr Jonson. Great, a detention. But instead, I looked to my side, and Gabe was playing on my phone. 'How do you work this thing, man. It's team Blackberry, fuck the iPhone!' He started pressing on all my apps. 'Hey! Give it back!' I squeaked helplessly. 'Only if you come to my ends tonight.' He smiled. 'That's blackmail.' I glared at him. 'Do you want your phone back or not?' He raised on eyebrow. He obvouisly wasn't used to being turned down. I quite liked the control I had over him. I guess I'm doing what I said I would, playing him at his own game. 'Fine. I'll come.' I sighed. 'Yay!' He pressed my phone into my pocket. 'Make sure you look sexy.' He winked. Is this guy for real? I sighed yet another time, then realized his hand was still pressed down on my pocket. 'Okay, you can move your hand now.' I whispered, trying to put my focus back to the front of the classroom. 'Hmm, I'd rather not thanks.' He presses his hand down even harder on my thigh. I tingle inside. Eeek. But I don't let the fact it feels good come out on my face. 'Gabriel!' I squeak. He brushes his hand round my thigh and inside of my leg. 'That better for you?' He smiled innocently. 'Oh my God. Your so annoying.' I say, trying to move his hand. Instead he just moves his hand further up the inside of my thigh, closer to in between my legs. 'Oh.' I sigh. 'Yeah, that's what I thought, you like it don't you beautiful?' He winked at me. It was like he was amusing himself. 'Get off me!' I squeaked a bit too loudly. Heads started to turn. He took his hand away. 'Your right, save it for tonight.' He smiled at me. I sat in silence, trying not to look at him for the rest of the lesson. It was last period. Why had he decided to come into school for the last period? It's beyond me. Finally the bell rang, and I stood up and headed for the door to meet Sam in the math suite corridor. A fammilar hand pulled me back. 'I'll meet you at Mountveiw Park, bottom enterance tonight. You best be there, or you watch.' He smiled at me, then walked off. He had an edge to his voice. He was obvouisly joking, he had that playful tone. But there was an edge I didn't want to doubt. I guess I'm going.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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