Another new story: Product of the Devil

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This is a better story than the last one, something I'm encouraging people to read now, out of all my books. The chapters will be long, but I will update as much as possible. If you read it, I would at least like a vote on it and possibly a comment. This story is called Product of the Devil and the first chapter is now out!

This is the cover:

Just a warning that is on the book description itself as well: Despite the cover picture, this is NOT mainly a Demi Lovato fic

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Just a warning that is on the book description itself as well: Despite the cover picture, this is NOT mainly a Demi Lovato fic. It is a whole lot more. Read to find out what happens!

That's all for now, guys. Enjoy the book!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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