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Minho was minding his business and restocking the isles of chips in the corner store he works at, 17RH. He glanced outside to see the afternoon skies. That's  when he noticed a person walking up to the store.

The person had his hood up and his head low. 'Well shit. Guess we're getting robbed' Minho momentarily thought to himself. Before the person entered, he stopped and sat down on the curb right outside the doors. He pushed his hoodie off revealing a cute boy around Minho's age with squishy looking cheeks.

Minho didn't pay much attention then. He went back to his work restocking the shelves. After a few hours of work with customers filtering in and out occasionally, Minho walked near the door to see the kid still there looking at his phone.

Minho opened the door, standing so his body propped it open. Even though he didn't care, his boss doesn't allow people to hang around the store, "Hey, you can't loiter around here kid."

The boy looked up with a surprised look. He furrowed his brow and puffed his cheeks for a second as he thought, "I'm... waiting for someone to pick me up. They should be here anytime..." the boy responded.

Minho crosses his arms and thought 'Its not like my boss is here'. "Okay. You can wait for your ride then," he decided there's no harm on letting this guy wait for his ride. He turned and walked back into the store. The sky was getting dark and Minho hoped the boy would be picked up before it was completely pitch black and cold outside.

Minho continues working as the time went on, customers still filtering in and out. A few hours passed, it was almost the end of Minho's shift and the store was empty at the moment. He yawned while stretching his arms over his head. He looked outside to see it was pitch black outside, besides the light coming from the store.

That's when he remembered the boy outside. He walked to the window to see if he was still there, and sure enough, he was. Minho sighed and started walking back into the store. He got a hot chocolate and a granola bar and then walked outside. He walked over to the boy, who had his hood up, head down in his knees, and was shivering.

Minho sat next to him and poked his shoulder. The kid flinched and looked over at Minho with a concerned face. "Here, these are for you," Minho offered the boy the hot drink and granola bar.

"I can't pay for tha-"

"It's on me. Don't worry about it," Minho interrupted. Minho knew exactly how long this boy has been out here and how cold he must be, was he supposed to do nothing?

The boys face held nothing but surprise. He slowly reached out and took the items. "Th-thank you so much," the boy said. The boy quickly started eating the granola bar and taking big gulps of the hot chocolate.

Minho watched him with his head resting on his hand that was propped up on his knee. He smiled at the stranger who filled his cheeks with food. "You look like a squirrel," he commented.

The stranger paused and looked up at Minho, then continued to slowly chew with his head down and a sad expression. Minho immediately panicked, "I meant that as a compliment. It's very cute! Please don't be sad!" He said quickly, trying to comfort the boy.

The said boy looked at Minho with wide eyes, his cheeks starting to heat up. The boy eventually smiled wide, "Thank you." He then finished off the granola bar and drank the rest of the hot chocolate. Minho watched on, amazed that someone could have such a nice smile.

"So what's your name?" Minho asked. He was a little curious about this boy that has sat here all afternoon.

The stranger paused for a moment again. "My name is Jisung," he answered.

"Nice to meet you Jisung, my name is Minho," Minho smiled. He liked the name Jisung, it fit the boy's cute face. Jisung smiled at Minho as well. "How old are you, I'm 19," Minho asked, trying to make small talk while getting to know more about the boy.

"Oh I'm 17. That makes you my hyung," Jisung answered with the same bright smile. For such simple conversation, Minho was enjoying his time with Jisung.

"So Jisung who are you waiting for...and why have they not come yet?" Minho questioned. 'Who could leave him out in the cold like this?' He thought.

A panicked expression flashed across Jisung's face and he looked away, hugging his knees to himself. "Um... well... you see..." he kept searching for an answer he didn't have. He kept quiet and lowered his head.

Minho figured out that no one was coming. "Do you have anywhere to go...?" Minho asked. He watched as Jisung shook his still lowered head.

Minho looked forward and sighed deeply, making a cloud of white appear in front of him. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't leave Jisung alone out in the cold all night. 'Screw it. If I get murdered then I get murdered' Minho decided with himself. "Jisung if you want... you can come stay at my place tonight," Minho offered still looking forward.

He started to hear sniffles and immediately whipped his head to the left. He saw Jisung with tears running down his face and started to super panic. "Hey why are you crying. Did I do something? I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Minho rushes out as he held out his hands, wanting to comfort the other but not sure if the other was okay with being touched by someone he just met.

Jisung just smiled and sniffed, "Y-yes hyung. I'm fine. Y-you're just really kind," he said through tears. He suddenly hugged Minho taking him by surprise. Minho smiled and hugged Jisung back.

Minho rubbed Jisung's back until he stopped crying after a short while. Jisung pulled out of the hug and wiped his eyes. "Are you sure it's really okay if I stay at your place?" He asked.

Minho nodded, "Of course. Let me lock up the store and we can go, Okay?" Jisung nodded with a happy smile. Minho got up and went inside. He quickly grabbed some instant ramen,knowing he didn't have food at home, put it in his backpack and started locking up.

He finished and walked outside. "Come on Jisung lets go," Minho smiled. Jisung smiled back with a small nod.

Howdy. I've decided to put this out as well as my Renmin story *cough cough*check it out*cough cough*. I hope you enjoy😬💕

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