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Minho slowly opened his eyes. He rolled over to look at his phone on his nightstand. It was around ten thirty in the morning. Minho sat up and stretched his arms and when he was done he sat there listening to the pouring rain outside. 'Wow the rain's still going? It's been going since last nigh-' Minho's eyes widening remembering last night.

He looked to his left to find the bed completely empty. He got up and looked around his house. He didn't see anything missing as he looked around, so that confirmed Jisung wasn't a thief. He walked into the kitchen with a sigh of relief but stopped when he saw a sticky note on the fridge door with writing on it. He got closer to get a better look and read it.

'Thank you so much Minho hyung for all the kindness you've shown me. I left your clothes on your couch. I'll be out of your way now.

"That idiot!" Minho said out loud to himself. Minho ran and grabbed his car keys and threw on some shoes. He couldn't let Jisung wonder around in the rain, especially not when the younger got terrified when it rained. Minho ran out of the door and down the couple flights of stairs, because he's dramatic and doesn't have time to wait for an elevator. He jogged up to the guy at the front desk, "Did you see a guy walk outta here, uuuh blonde hair, big black hoodie, looks like a squirrel?" He questioned in a hurry.

The front desk guy nodded and pointed his thumb towards the door, "Yeah about half an hour ago he left."

Half an hour? That's so long, he could be anywhere by now. Minho didn't care though and ran to the parking garage to grab his car. He pulled out and headed down a road he was hoping was right. He circled the surrounding area of his apartment once and found nothing. He went up and down any road he could. He finally turned down this basically abandoned road a couple blocks from his house. No one was out in this grey, wet weather.

Minho creeped his way down the road, looking around. That's when he spotted the lone figure of a boy walking down the sidewalk. Minho stepped on the brakes and parked his car in the road, it's not like anyone was out so he wouldn't be disrupting traffic. He ran out of the car towards the figure shouting Jisung's name.

The figure turned around, revealing a soaked and pale Jisung. "Hyung!" Jisung said in surprise. Minho tackles the younger in a hug. Jisung furrowed his brows, "Hyung you shouldn't be out here, you're getting all wet, you'll get sick!" He scolded.

Minho pulled away from the hug with a 'bitch wtf look'. "Jisung are you really trying to tell me that? I don't know if you've noticed, but you're doing exactly that," Minho responded.

Jisung opened his mouth to respond but stopped and thought for a second,"... Hyung I'm fine. I promise you don't have to worry about me," Jisung said with his best convincing smile, even though Minho was literally watching Jisung's body uncontrollably shiver from the cold rain. "You should really get home before you-," far away thunder struck, not as bad as the night before, but Jisung still visibly flinched at it. He tried to play it off and continue talking, "b-before you get sic-wha!"

Minho had enough of the younger's rambling and picked him up bridal style, without warning. "H-Hyung! What are you doing!?" Jisung asked as he was carried towards the passenger side of the car.

Minho opened the passenger side and set Jisung down into the seat, "I'm taking you back to my apartment. I'm not gonna let you walk around in this rain."

"But Minho hyung I was going home, and it's super close!" Jisung tried to argue.

"Then I'll give you a ride!" Minho replied with a smile and closed the passenger door. He walked to the drivers side and got in. He looked over at Jisung who was looking at his hands in his lap with a pout. Minho knew Jisung was bluffing, but wanted the younger to admit it. "So where are we going?" He asked, knowing the younger couldn't lie for much longer.

Jisung took a deep breath, then sighed heavily. "I wasn't actually going home," he mumbled, "I just don't want to be bothering you anymore," he said, still looking down.

Minho sighed. He leaned over and grabbed Jisung's unfastened seatbelt, making Jisung look up. Their faces were really close and they were looking into each other's eyes. "You're not bothering me, Jisung. I wouldn't have let you stay if I didn't want you there or if you were bothering me. You can stay with me for as long as you need, I don't mind," he finished and pulled the seatbelt, clicking it in place. He put on his own seatbelt and started driving back to the apartment.

Jisung sat there, his face heating up and he felt really warm inside. "Thank you Hyung," he mumbled quietly. Minho just smiled to himself. He didn't know Jisung but he could feel that Jisung was someone he could trust, and someone he would want to get to know more about.

They both walk into the apartment tired. "Go take a hot shower before you get sick," Minho commanded. Jisung was out in the cold rain for a long time, if he didn't get sick it would be a miracle.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Hyung, I don't get sick easily so you can take your shower firs-"

Jisung was interrupted by a loud full body sneeze(if you know what I mean you know). 'Really nose? Why must you betray me like this!' Jisung thought before he stood up straight, only to be faced with a crossed armed Minho with smug looking face.

Jisung watched as Minho dropped his arms and walked over to him, stopping just in front of him. Minho used one hand to slick back the wet hair on his forehead, revealing nice eyebrows. 'That's hot' Jisung thought to himself 'Wait no shut up Jisung you can't do that!'. Minho used his other hand to reach up and push back the hair on Jisung's forehead too and connected their foreheads. Minho had his eyes closed and Jisung examines his face speechless and with burning cheeks. Minho opened his eyes, foreheads still together, and smiled, "Yup you're definitely running a fever."

Jisung felt dizzy, and he didn't know if it was from the fever or if it was because of Minho. "Hyung I really like you..." Jisung couldn't finish that thought because his whole world went black.

Minho quickly caught him and shook his head, face filled with concern. "Why did you have to go walking in the rain," he sighed.

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