Chapter 4

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Narrator POV:

The League Of Villains And Bakugou all were working on homework after they ate the ramen. Tomura And Toga had a fight early because the ramen had spice in it. The group was laughing their asses off. Everyone got along with Bakugou.
"Hey, you should be a villain instead of a hero!" Toga suggested.
"I don't think that's a good idea because then the heroes would end up hating me." He said.
"But don't you already act rude?" Dabi asked.
"Shut the fuck up." Bakugou replied.
Toga giggled a bit. "Now now boys, you're in my apartment so no fighting!" She said.
"But you were just fighting with Tomura, you hypocrite." Dabi said as they all started laughing.
"True but because it was a joke." Toga replied.
They all laughed again. The rest of the day, they spent their time hanging out and having fun.
"Well, I got to go now." Bakugou said.
"Alright! Be safe on your way back home!" Toga said as the group watch Bakugou go to the entrance.
"Oh wait!" Bakugou said as he went back to the group and took Toga's phone and added his phone number. "Give it to the group." He said.
Toga nodded. Bakugou left the apartment. Toga gave everyone in the group his phone number and then they left. Toga went to sleep after a few hours later. Toga started having a nightmare about her childhood.
~In the Nightmare~
"Hey Himiko!" Her dad said. "Happy Birthday!"
"Happy Birthday Himiko!" Her mom said. She was having a birthday party. There were tons of kids her age. But there was one specific person. A kid with blonde hair, who looked a lot like Bakugou. After Toga got all her presents, she walked up to the kid.
"Hey!" She said.
The kid looked at her. "Hey! Happy Birthday Himiko~chan!" He said as he handed her a present.
"Thank you so much!" She said.
The party was going well and then all of sudden, the door got kicked down.
The children were all in fear, her parents were protecting them.
"Kids go hide in the closets in Himiko's room!" The mom whispered to the kids.
All the kids obeyed. After hiding for a few minutes, Toga decided to go see the situation. She felt a hand grab her arm.
"You can't go!" The kid who looked like Bakugou said.
"I have to! They're my parents! Stay hiding! I'll tell you guys when to come out!" Toga demanded them.
"But-" before the kid could finish his sentence, Toga already ran out to the living room. Toga watched. And in front of her eyes, her parents got shot. Toga's eyes widened in shock. She ran to her parents.
"Mom! Dad! Stay with me! Please don't go!" She said, crying.
Soon, the dream was crumbling down into pieces. All the kids were disappearing, her parents vanished. The place was all dark. It was black.
~End of dream~
Toga shot up on her bed, panting and sweating as tears were falling down her face. She picked up her phone and checked the time. 2:45am. Toga decided to call Bakugou to see if he was up. Bakugou picked up.
"Hello..?" He said, sounding tired.
"Oh sorry, did I wake you up..?" She asked.
"Not at all." He said as he sat up on his bed.
"Oh okay." She replied.
"what are you doing this late up at night?" He asked.
"I had a nightmare.." She said.
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked.
"No no! You stay home! I don't want you to waste your time coming to my place! Plus it's raining outside." She said.
They talked until Toga felt tired. They hung up waited the next day.
A/N: another new update! Hope you guys like this story!!

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