31. Their Scent

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Edit/Re-Written: June 19, 2022

     A Knight W/ Shining: Chapter Thirty-One; Their Scent

Warnings: none


     I snuggle closer into the present heat. It's warm in an inviting kind of way, and I can't help but feel comforted by it - I want nothing more than to wrap myself around whatever or whoever is producing the heat from a honey-like ore. And the smell, Fate, it's like melting chocolate and fresh out-of-the-oven cookies, which are both intoxicating and sweet kinds of smell.

     The heat surrounds me completely, and even though that's the case I can't get enough of it. Leaning forward, I run my nose against the object that's producing the fresh out-of-the-oven cookie smell and bite down on it. It's soft, flesh-like and jolts beneath my bite.

     "Ouch!" My eyes flutter open as large hands grip my waist, pulling me off and away in my half asleep daze. "Uou okay, Princess?"


     "You just bit me." Lev states as our eyes meet, a smile etched onto his face - my nose scrunches at the news. I did?

     "I did? I swear I bit a chocolate cookie," With a slur I let my head fall forward slightly. "Smell s'good I had to have a taste." At that he laughs, light and low and kisses my forehead - lips dry and warm against my skin.

     "Well I'm happy I'm something tasty and not something like an onion, but you can bite me later, okay?" I swear he winks at me after he says that but I'm too sleepy to tell if it's my imagination or not. What does that even mean, anyways? Mmm, maybe with the fact that if I continue sleeping with them that I'll end up latching onto him again? Yeah, that seems likely.

    "Uh-huh." I mumble instead of asking, my heavy eyes struggling to stay open. Pecking my lips he pulls me back to my original position, with my head in his neck and half my body on top of his.

     "Get some more rest, Princess." More tingles shoot up my spine as Luke proceeds to flop over me and his brother, effectively crushing me between them with his breaths tickling my neck. It doesn't bother me too much, if at all, and I'm quickly dragged back under into sleep.


     "Wakie wakie," There's a light shove on my shoulders, then a few shakes. With a groan, I turn over to face the other twin, the one still sleeping and latch onto him because he's my new partner in crime.

     "N-o-o." I whine, wrapping my arms around Luke, throwing a leg over his torso and burying myself into his side. Sleep is a beautiful thing that I need - not that I wouldn't be energized since there are times where I have an unlimited case of energy but my point still stands; sleep, along with food, is beautiful - period.

     Rousing from his sleep at the commotion, Luke wraps his arms around my torso and brings me closer to him. He looks over my shoulder, talking to Lev, "Go help mom make breakfast, I'll get us ready."

     And why does that sound so nice?

     Lev must've silently agreed because not a second later and the door to the room closes, leaving me and partner in crime alone. Pressing a kiss to my forehead he shifts so we're sitting - with me straddling him.

     "We do actually have to get ready, Angel." He mutters against my skin and I whimper at the suggestion. "You're so cute, up we go!"

     Giving me no warning as he stands, I let out a squeal - one I will be disgusted when I'm fully awake - and cling onto his shoulders. Still being tired, I refuse to open my eyes, getting as many seconds of sleep until he placed me on a counter. A cold counter. That quickly snaps me out of my sleepy daze and I whine as the cold racks through me. Even worse, he tries to move! Away from me! My only source of warmth, how dare he.

     "I'm just freeing my arms," He states teasingly, letting me rest against his chest as he rummages for something behind me. Water is heard because I'm on the edge of a sink counter, and then he's leaning back again. "It's a little cold but I'm going to wash your face."

     I don't respond because I'm being tortured enough and a second later a rough, wet, and cold fabric of a towel is being pressed against my face. Relaxing, I let him take hold of my face and wash it, fully waking me up. When he's done I blink up at him, just to find him grinning down at me and – why? As if reading my mind, his grin widens, "You're cute."

     "Whatever." I huff, grabbing the outstretched toothbrush and turning to face the sink. We brush our teeth in silence, him finishing first and leaving the room to look for clothes as I finish up. When he leaves I take the opportunity to look up at the mirror to catch in my reflection. Cute? From where? If anything, my features are considered girly. Alongside my huge eyebrows, my ears flop outward slightly and my lips are small and point with my nose fitting the stereotypical "button-nose" - kinda, anyways - look. Scrunching my nose I rinse out my mouth, looking up again to find Luke leaning against the door of the restroom. Since when had he been standing there?

     "What were you thinking about?" The question leaves his lips in a demanding tone and I glare at him in the mirror as I let a sigh escape me.

     "Nothing important. Am I going to be wearing your clothes or my dirty clothes?" I ask, not minding either way. We would be in our wolf form anyways for the majority of the trip to my cabin. But that would mean that we wouldn't be able to communicate with each other.

     Link, in all actuality, is pretty odd. Main reason being that while it allows wolves to communicate telepathically, it follows a specific set of rules. To use Link with another wolf one had to 1) be part of the same pack, 2) be related, or 3) share a full-bonded mate mark. I was neither of any of those three with the twins. Sure I'm their mate, but it isn't like I'm going to ask them to mark me in ten minutes just to be able to communicate with them.

     "What's with that face?" Luke asks, handing me clean clothes. Taking them, I sniff them, smelling their combined scents on them - guess they share clothes.

     "I'm thinking about how we're supposed to Link."

     He hums.

     "What do you mean? We're going to go in my brother's truck, it's freezing outside - there's no way we'd survive nightfall." He states, combing my hair back. I decide not to try and change their mind as I change into their clothes, they're big but comfortable and once we're both fully changed I'm being led into the kitchen. My nose twitches at the delicious scent as Luke leads me to the table that's just a little ahead of the kitchen area.

     He presses a kiss to the side of my head when I sit, telling me that he's also going to help in the kitchen but before he can leave I grip his arms. "Is there anything I can help with?"

     His eyes blank out and I know he's asking his mom before answering me, "No, Angel. If you get bored you can watch some television with Elaine." Turning to said sibling I see Elaine watching a cartoon about two adventures and animal-discovery. I don't even have the chance to go watch some with her because not a second later and there's a plate being placed in front of me. Looking up I see their mom hovering over me, we share a smile and then she pinches my cheeks.

     "Elena, come eat!" She shouts as she lets me go and I take the chance to rub my cheek. No one had ever pinched my cheek before and it isn't a nice sensation. Seconds pass then the seats are filled with Luke and Lev sitting at either sides of me and Elaine sitting across from me.

     Their mom smiles at me as their dad hums, "Pree yat na vah appeteetah."


     Lev nudges me, "Go ahead and start eating?"

     "What is it?"

     "Russian Pelmeni, meat-filled dumplings." He explains and I don't need to know more as I grab the fork and start eating.

     Shit, food truly is amazing. 


Kind of a filler chapter, I still loved the way it turned out though.

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